Statement on Family Separation Policy

Andy Burness
Above the Noise
Published in
1 min readJun 20, 2018

“The Trump Administration’s policy of ripping migrant children from their parents’ arms and locking them in cages joins slavery, tribal relocation, and Japanese internment camps as one of the darkest chapters in the history of the United States. We are ashamed of the so-called leaders who instituted this policy and those who have willfully or blindly followed orders to implement it.

This policy is an affront to our basic values — human rights, equality, inclusion, dignity, compassion, and most of all, love for our brothers and sisters. These values are defining of this company, those who work here, and our own families. The damage already done is incalculable, and the ramifications of these atrocities will be felt for a very long time. We call on our elected officials to ensure immediate and humane immigration reform that reflects these values.”

— Andy Burness



Andy Burness
Above the Noise

President, @Burness // #Travel #SocialChange #MovementBuilders #Philanthropy #HereComesDuke // RTs not endorsements