Wright Brothers and the “Googlization” of knowledge

A simple thought about Internet-driven knowledge. A complex encyclopedic one that is only apparently always available and abundant.

Often the opposite.

Google give us millions of answers than are not usefull because we are not conducted through the cognitive steps needed to read them.

In reality, we use increasingly complex ideas and systems, of which we know lesser and lesser about the internal deep mechanism. Petabytes of “false knowledge” that quickly arriving to the result, generating the wrong feeling of mastering complex thoughts not fully comprehended. Too quickly. Too easy.

We are Wright brothers trying to fly a Space shuttle.

The usefull web should be connectivity for learning toghether. But each one.

The connectivity can be social but real comprehension is not.

A big effort must be done for “vulgarize” knowledge. Make it simple. Step by step.

What has passed our human understanding capability we are looking in artificial intelligence instead of develop (and structurate) our natural one.

Knowledge has no time wormhole and ask us the time not to miss that special gift that is creativity.

“Googlization” of knowledge gives us the impression of mastering something that can be understood and used only through much longer learning steps than clicking a link.

