ABP Commercial is Application Development Category Leader

Bige Besikci Yaman


We are excited to announce that ABP Commercial on GetApp has been selected as one of the Application Development Category Leader in 2022!

The Category Leaders program is intended to help businesses find the best software products in various categories to meet their needs, by providing an objective and unbiased ranking of products based on user reviews and other data.

GetApp’s Category Leaders program ranks software products based on ratings from users in five key areas: ease of use, value for money, functionality, customer support, and likelihood to recommend.

For Application Development Category, GetApp evaluated 368 products and ABP Commercial entered to the 2022 GetApp Application Development Category Leaders’ list from the 12th order in the first 15 high-scorer products, a.k.a. Category Leaders.

We are proud that ABP Commercial has been recognized as one of the top-ranked product in Application Development category, thanks to the high ratings it has received from users.

By being selected as a Category Leader, ABP Commercial has demonstrated a high level of satisfaction among its users and a strong performance in the key areas that matter most to businesses.

  • Ease of use: 16 out of 20
  • Value for money: 16 out of 20
  • Functionality: 17 out of 20
  • Customer support: 16 out of 20
  • Likelihood to recommend: 16 out of 20
  • In total: 82 out of 100

If you are in the market for business software, we encourage you to check out the Front Runner list and give ABP Commercial a try. We are confident that you will be satisfied with our product and the support we provide.

You could also leave ABP Commercial a review to help us understand your experience.

We would like to thank all of our customers and users for their support and feedback, which have helped us achieve this recognition.

We will continue to strive for excellence and provide the best possible products and services to our users.

Please see the other recognition we got from Software Advice as 2022 Application Development Category Front Runner.



Bige Besikci Yaman

An eternal optimist who is enthusiastic for all-kind of digital marketing communications.