Preparing Your Inbox for Abridge News

Madi Johnson
Abridge News
Published in
2 min readAug 20, 2018

A Few Quick Steps…

Thank you so much for subscribing to Abridge News’ daily email newsletter — we are so excited that you’re on board with our mission to create a one-of-a-kind newsletter that pushes users to move beyond their partisan echo chambers.

It is important that you follow these few quick steps to ensure that our emails go to your inbox and don’t get filtered into a “promotions” or “spam” folder:

If you’re patiently awaiting your first email from us…

  • Open your preferred email client
  • Manually add “” and “” as new contacts (This way, your inbox will recognize our accounts and send the messages directly to your inbox.)
  • Congrats, you’re all set!

If our emails are already going to your ‘promotions’ or ‘spam’ folders…

  • Open your preferred email client in a web browser (e.g. “”)
  • Click on the “promotions” or “spam” folder
  • Select the checkbox next to our email and select “Not Spam” or “Not Promotions” — this will move the email to your inbox
  • Congrats, you’re all set!*

(*If you find that subsequent emails from us still aren’t going to your inbox, then follow the previous set of steps to add Abridge News accounts as new contacts.)

Please feel free to reach out to Madi Johnson, who leads marketing and creates the daily email newsletter, if you’re having any trouble at

