/ ) Abridged in the Wild

James Duncan
Published in
7 min readSep 5, 2019

Announcing eight products developed with the Pre-Release SDK and initial feedback from more than 1000 total users in the weeks post launch.

Abridged collaborations that have launched thus far!

Just four months since coming together as a team, and three months since opening the SDK v1 (pre-release) the team at Abridged has progress to show.

In case this is your first encounter, our design thinking focuses on users, UX, and accelerating iterative development practices. We take the pragmatic side of blockchain application development with the goal of empowering developers to create experiences that attract real users (and real sustainable revenue).

We see these metrics as problematic.

During Berlin Blockchain Week, there were a total of eight applications with completed SDK integrations.

This first wave of apps launched using the SDK v1 showcases a variety of features offered by Abridged. The bread and butter building blocks include:

🚊 Intuitive On-boarding
Web2 Auth Optionality
MetaTx (GSN coming soon)
ENS Support
Social Recovery
Lightweight and Malleable

🌊 Fluid Off-Chain Tx
In-house State Channel
No Collateral Requirement

Our goal is to aggregate the essential pieces for web3 application development and provide a flexible, unopinionated framework that empowers designers and developers to create valuable and intuitive experiences for their users.

We are excited for the opportunity to work with such talented teams who put these products together. Please see a brief overview of current integrations below, and feel free to follow the embedded links to play with the apps yourself!

Pillar Wallet

“Through our use of decentralized technology, Pillar will put you in control of your personal data — allowing you to choose where, when and with who your information is shared.”

“Pillar considers Abridged to be a key partner in our product development. By utilizing and supporting an open, third party blockchain application development framework, Pillar will be able to directly connect to other Abridged applications, offering our users seamless onboarding and easy access to the growing DApp ecosystem.”

Speed of Development: Pillar started as the first to integrate the Abridged SDK (codename Archanova). Thus, development happened over months as both teams worked to modify the product and features for best integration.

Launch Feedback: Currently at about 15K installs and 400 DAU Pillar is still in beta testing. However, feature and functionality enhancement from a wallet perspective is major (all typical things that come from smart contracts and payment network integration).


YoloRekt was the second app to integrate with the Abridged SDK. It is a project built by Yogesh Srihari, Wills de Vogelaere, and Garen Vartanian. They came up with the idea to create a game utilizing Ethereum with a highly viral potential.

Speed of Development: Full dev time took about two months. The development for the product aligned with the refinment of the SDK. Yogesh and James Young worked closely to effectively implement and provide feedback for each others respective projects.

Launch Feedback: YoloRekt just launched and gained 100 users on their first day. Currently they sit at about 130 DAU in their second week in the wild. The team plans to begin engaging in a user acquisition campaign to put the product to the test. More information on this development here.

MetaCartel DAO

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

The Odyssy crew took lead in the MetaCartel community to create the first mobile DAO interface and decided to use the Abridged SDK. This app now goes by codename PocketMol due to it wrapping a fork of Moloch DAO.

Speed of Development: This was built in about a month and a half between June and July this year.

Launch Feedback: This DAO interface is great, because you can access it in a familiar Safari mobile browser. Moving forward, there will be a focus on developing the wallet interface. For an overview of the current onboarding feedback please see this article written by Peter Pan and Ameen Soleimani.

Yang DAO

Influenced by the ideas promoted of UBI and crowdsourced collaboration, the first Ethereum based SuperPAC has been formed for Andrew Yang’s Presidential campaign. This app is a reskin of the MetaCartel DAO app above. Also built by Odyssy. Check out the telegram to learn more!

Speed of Development: The YangDAO interface was built and linked in a few weeks in July this year.

Launch Feedback: So far, this app has onboarded only crypto native folks, and the most prevalent comment was “why cant I sign in with MetaMask?” Again, this overview written by Peter and Ameen is the most comprehensive list of future improvements for the application onboarding flow.


“FrAnK is a social experiment”

Inspired by the success of TikTok and adding crypto, FranK was born. The app today represents simple posting and tipping, but will quickly move toward a number of interesting and experimental paths (influencer bonding curves, commodity marketplaces, etc). The team at Limechain built this bad boy in just a few weeks.

Speed of Development: While the designs were pioneered by a group who began brainstorming early this year, the development of the implementation present today happened in 3 short weeks before Berlin Blockchain Week.

Launch Feedback: “This is cool!” is a comment we often heard about frank. The pre-release launch at Berlin Blockchain Week drove a variety of excitement, curiosity, and mustaches and amounted to 350 downloads. Keep up with this character and ze developments moving forward!


“Our goal is to create a radically open, modular and interoperable framework that leverages diverse trust utilities, sustaining communities into the future.”

Protea focuses on creating new ways to coordinate people. Their remote team spans multiple countries and timezones, and their passion for enabling community development with web3 is palpable. Definitely a group to watch as they grow to bring their app to the masses! This is also the first integration with xDAI!

Speed of Development: “So the original app took me 5 weeks to develop the entire stack from our boilerplate, then we spent the last 2 months integrating Abridged… its taken the last 3 weeks for me to fully convert the project over.”

Launch Feedback: The Protea community is in the process of onboarding more than 5000 new users. They will continue expanding in the coming months to increase the network effect and potential for the community to power new forms of coordination.

Web3 Summit Wallet

“This app was made to enhance your experience at the Web3 Summit…”

This application was built by Flexdapps, a dev group known for their memes and web3 UX, and commissioned by the Web3 Foundation to assist in the coordination of the three day conference. Before the Web3 Summit, a beta version of the app was tested at State of Scale in Los Angeles. Keep up with Flex on discord and twitter (for the memes).

Speed of Development: “like 10 mins to integrate and maybe 6 hours to wrap my nugget around it reasonably well?” The SDK integration took a relatively short amount of time for the Web3 Wallet. All in all, this team put the app together over the course of four weeks.

Launch Feedback: This has been the app with second highest usage to date, and was a massive hit at the Web3 Summit gathering lots of buzz on twitter. 800 accounts deployed, $600 USD spent on merchandise and more than $100 USD spent in “emoji sales”. The amount of purchasing that occurred based on the sheer novelty of the emoji game is a testament to how exceptionally this technology is when utilized as your payment rails.

Orochi DAO

Orochi DAO was inspired by wanting to repurpose Moloch to create an event fund. This is pioneered by Makoto (Kickback lead) and will launch an event to happen at Devcon in Japan!

Speed of Development: This development began at ETHBerlin and was completed two weeks later.

Launch Feedback: See the other DAO interface feedback above.

We are excited to continue churning out resources and adding integrations to allow for everyone interested to seamlessly build web3 components into their applications. Learn more about the features offered in the SDK Overview article, check out our docs.

The primary goal of the SDK is to encourage fast integration of account recovery, intuitive login, fiat ramps, and off chain transactions to create a seamless experience for end users and an intuitive experience for developers. We have a GUI cooking to make it even easier to interact with these SDK features.

Sign up for early access to our Dev Portal to keep informed, and feel free to ask questions in our telegram chat. We’d be thrilled to hear from you!

Keep Building!

The Abridged Team

