Signal DAO 📡 and the Burgeoning Field of DAO Ops

The most effective way to signal interest in receiving a grant or an investment from DAO funds đź’¸

Eric Chung
5 min readJan 24, 2020


Introducing Signal DAO

Signal DAO is an experiment to provide an avenue for entrepreneurs to signal to DAO funds that they’re open to receiving investment, either via grants or equity/token positions. It’s a simple Moloch-inspired project that only deals with reputation-based, non-monetary signaling. All interactions with Signal DAO is done through Signal DAO Bot, a friendly Telegram chatbot that makes programmatic Web 3 calls using the Abridged SDK.

It’s super easy to participate and gain exposure for your project:
- Request membership from a currently active Signal DAO member
- Submit a membership proposal and get accepted into Signal DAO
- Submit a project proposal with a description of your project
- Share with the community to gather votes

The most upvoted projects at the end of the Signal DAO experiment may be considered for a grant from MetaCartel 🌶️ and Moloch 👹 (disclaimer: we don’t guarantee that you’ll be funded, rather that you will have a much stronger chance).

Signal DAO is one of the many experiments that is starting to emerge from the DAO Ops movement that Abridged and others are strongly pushing forward.

DAO Ops is a set of practices that aims to systematize the management of DAO functions and reduce human coordination costs associated with resource allocation, decision-making processes, and membership administration.

A longer post formally describing DAO Ops will be coming soon so keep your eyes peeled đź‘€ I also highly encourage you to reach out to me directly if you have any thoughts!

Step-by-Step Guide

Below is a short walkthrough of how to use Signal DAO to submit your own proposals and vote for other proposals. Each proposal will be open for voting 1 hour after submission, so make sure to plan your marketing around that hour.

Requesting membership

  1. Search for the handle @SignalDAO_bot on Telegram, start a DM with the bot and hit the start button (or type /start if you don’t see a start button).

2. You’ll need to request membership from a currently active member. Tap the Yes I know someone button.

3. Fill out the membership proposal form and submit it.

4. Wait for a notification from @SignalDAO_bot on the outcome of your membership proposal.

Once you’ve been approved as a Signal DAO member, you are able to submit your own project proposals and vote on other proposals.

Submitting your own proposal

  1. DM @SignalDAO_bot with the command /commandcenter or tap the Command Center button if it is available.

2. Tap the Propose button.

3. Fill out the project proposal form and submit it.

4. Wait for a notification from @SignalDAO_bot on the outcome of your project proposal.

Voting on other proposals

As an active member of Signal DAO, you will be notified of each new membership and project proposal that is submitted to the community.

  1. When prompted to vote on a proposal, tap either the yes button to signal approval or the no button to signal rejection.

2. You can also tap the Vote button from the Command Center to pull up a list of queued proposals that you can vote on.

Congrats, you’ve just signaled 📡


  • How can I offer feedback or questions on any aspect of Signal DAO (ie onboarding process, user experience, vision, etc)
    You can reach out to us directly through the channels at the bottom of the post or grab some time with us here:
  • Can I invite my friend or teammate to Signal DAO?
    Definitely, the more the merrier. The only requirement is that you yourself are already a member of Signal DAO.
  • Do I have to pay tribute or stake any funds to participate?
    Nope, Signal DAO is purely reputation-based so participation doesn’t require any exchange of monetary value.
  • What kind of project proposals can I submit with the Signal DAO bot?
    Any project that you want to get in front of the crypto community!
  • How many proposals can I vote for?
    As many as you want — in fact, we encourage you to exercise your voice and vote for as many as proposals as you can.
  • What happens if my proposal is voted highly by the community?
    You get a bunch of Internet points but more importantly you may be strongly considered for a grant from MetaCartel and/or Moloch DAO.
  • Who created Signal DAO and why did they make it?
    Part of the Abridged team (James Young, James Duncan, Alok Tiwari, and myself) wanted to highlight the emerging category of DAO Ops by demonstrating that it’s become incredibly easy to spin up and manage a custom DAO by dogfooding our SDK and no-code platform. Feel free to sign up for early access to our platform!

Want more?

Want to experiment with this kind of chatbot flow for your own project, DAO, and/or community? Have comments or questions on DAO Ops? Reach out through one of these channels:

Abridged website:
Abridged Twitter:
Abridged Telegram community:
Best of Abridged Newsletter:



Eric Chung
Writer for

Bullish on DApps. Currently @ Abridged. DApperNetwork. LA Blockchain Lab. USC Viterbi Faculty.