如何编写像 Google Doc 一样的文档

Abser Ari
Published in
9 min readAug 31, 2020

如何自己编写像 google doc 一样的文档, 阅读 Google Writing Principle



  1. 术语使用要保持前后一致
  2. 缩略词第一次出现应为 Telekinetic Tactile Network (TTN) 形式
  3. 使用术语全称还是缩略词需要考究.
  4. 重用名词而不是使用代词.(就像指针一样, 代词往往会引入错误和歧义) This, That, It, Them


大多数人的思维方式是主动语态, 可以帮助读者跳过预处理器阶段,直接进行编译. 并且主动语态更短. 被动语态有时会省略 actor.

  • 错误例子
  • It has been suggested that…
  • Data was taken…
  • Statistics were calculated…
  • Results were evaluated.



The error occurs when clicking the Submit button.

💡Clicking the Submit button triggers the error.

This error message happens when…

💡The system generates this error message when…

We are very careful to ensure…

💡We carefully ensure

去掉 There is, There are

There is a variable called that stores the current accuracy.

💡A variable named stores the current accuracy. The variable stores the current accuracy.

There is no guarantee that the updates will be received in sequential order.

💡Clients might not receive the updates in sequential order.


Setting this flag makes the application run screamingly fast.

💡Setting this flag makes the application run 225–250% faster.

google doc 在这里说, 减少副词会减少语言魅力, 换成数据可以增加可信和准确度, 是值得的. 我认为可以折中一下.

💡Setting this flag makes the application run screamingly faster(225–250%).



The late 1950s was a key era for programming languages because IBM introduced Fortran in 1957 and John McCarthy introduced Lisp the following year, which gave programmers both an iterative way of solving problems and a recursive way.

💡The late 1950s was a key era for programming languages. IBM introduced Fortran in 1957. John McCarthy invented Lisp the following year. Consequently, by the late 1950s, programmers could solve problems iteratively or recursively.


To alter the usual flow of a loop, you may use either a break statement (which hops you out of the current loop) or a continue statement (which skips past the remainder of the current iteration of the current loop).

💡To alter the usual flow of a loop, call one of the following statements:

  • break, which hops you out of the current loop.
  • continue, which skips past the remainder of the current iteration of the current loop.


An input value greater than 100 causes the triggering of logging.

💡An input value greater than 100 triggers logging.

one sentence = one idea 记住这个原则


  • 区分顺序和无序列表
  • 列表每一项应为统一格式
  • 解释列表的含义



  • 使用总分句式A block of code is any set of contiguous code within the same function. For example, suppose you wrote a block of code that detected whether an input line ended with a period. To evaluate a million input lines, create a loop that runs a million times.
    💡A loop runs the same block of code multiple times. For example, suppose you wrote a block of code that detected whether an input line ended with a period. To evaluate a million input lines, create a loop that runs a million times.
  • 使每段话保持一个主题, 与主题无关的应该舍弃The Pythagorean Theorem states that the sum of the squares of both legs of a right triangle is equal to the square of the hypotenuse. The perimeter of a triangle is equal to the sum of the three sides. You can use the Pythagorean Theorem to measure diagonal distances. For example, if you know the length and width of a ping-pong table, you can use the Pythagorean Theorem to determine the diagonal distance. To calculate the perimeter of the ping-pong table, sum the length and the width, and then multiply that sum by 2.
  • 不要太长或太短(这个我觉得保持在 3 到 5 句话就合适, 见仁见智)
  • 问自己三个问题来优化段落表达
  1. 你要告诉读者什么
  2. 为什么这一点需要读者知道
  3. 读者怎么使用你告知的信息, 或者读者如何知道你说的是正确的.

💡 The garp() function returns the delta between a dataset’s mean and median. Many people believe unquestioningly that a mean always holds the truth. However, a mean is easily influenced by a few very large or very small data points. Call garp() to help determine whether a few very large or very small data points are influencing the mean too much. A relatively small garp


良好的文档= 受众完成任务所需的知识和技能 — 受众当前的知识和技能

确立受众角色, 斟酌使用术语,习语, 并为读者提供可查阅的资料如果需要.


  1. 确立文档范围 本文档介绍了 Frambus 项目的总体设计
  2. 说明受众期望 本文档假定您了解矩阵乘法以及如何泡一杯茶
  3. 简单摘要 比如简介 比如大纲
  4. 确立文章预期 读者阅读之后期望得到什么知识和技能


提高部分主要讲述了一些策略用于优化文档. 斟酌选用他, 并持续保持

  1. 采用样式指南, 比如让写作者统一学习上面的基础部分.
  2. 在受众的角度来审阅文档 — 该策略可能会为受众增加指向资源的链接, 让他们可以了解更多信息
  3. 大声朗读 — 可以避免不自然的措辞, 长句
  4. 初稿后间隔一段时间( hours ) 再回来改进迭代


  1. 选择类型, 是单个大文档(像这篇文章) 还是一组文档(就像这篇文章使用的 Google Writing 教程)
  1. 整一个大纲
  2. 优化标题表达
  3. 逐步提供信息 (不要一股脑把所有的概念贴在开头)


figures truly worth a thousand words.

这是最重要的部分, 首先 图片的吸引力比文本大, 也能让读者学到更多. (这个教程说大多数成年人在面临技术文档的时候还是小孩子, 他们更渴望图片.

  1. 给图片标题
  2. 限制单个图片信息量
  1. 突出重点聚焦注意力
  2. 不断迭代
  • 询问自己问题
  • 如何简化插图?
  • 我应该将此插图拆分为两个或更多更简单的插图吗?
  • 插图中的文字容易阅读吗?文本是否与其背景形成足够的对比?
  • 要点是什么?


提供正确的, 简短的, 可重用的代码, 同时保证代码带来的副作用最小



Abser Ari
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