A Secret Side To Sophie. A Morning Meeting With Her Pussy.

M A Taylor
Absolute Erotica
Published in
7 min readJul 1, 2024
Ai generated image.

I burst through the front door with only one thing in mind, fucking the wife.

She walked into the hallway as I chucked my keys down and I headed straight for her.

“I know that look, baby.”

“The boy’s home?” she shakes her head. “Good.” Then I pounce on her.

For the next hour or so I took out all my sexual frustration caused by Sophie, on the wifey, and she loved it. I fucked her hard up against the wall, filling her pussy with cum, then dragging her upstairs the wife’s pretty face took a pounding as I fucked her throat. And to finish her off that sexy fat ass of hers was filled with my cock and took a slow hard fucking and spanking.

Drained, empty and exhausted we both lay there silent, too fucked to speak. The wife was the first to move, flinging her leg over me and resting her chin on my chest.

“Who is she? A new girl in the office?”

I brush her hair away from her sexy fucked face. “No!”

“What! So who is it? Tell me!”


“Sophie? Not the Sophie I know, it can’t be!” she was as shocked as me.

I explained everything to her and even went through the list she texted over. I told her about her neighbours who had opened her eyes to sex, and how she’s had more cock and sex over the weekend than she’s had in the last few years. Her first foursome, girl-on-girl experience, anal and fucking her friend’s hubby.

“Wow! I like this new Sophie. When do I get to meet her?” she giggled as she climbed on top of me.

She holds up my cock and sits herself down working my limp dick into her fucked dripping pussy, and slowly grinds on me. She moved faster as my cock responds to my sexy wife fucking it.

“So when does she get to fuck your lovely big fat cock?”

She rocks her curvy hips while shaking her big tits in her hands. “As soon as she asks for it, baby. Oh your good, oh yeah!”

I was rock hard again and she made good use of it, pounding her ass up and down fucking me as hard as I fucked her.

“Omg, yes! Are you going to let me watch yeah?”

She was turning us both on at the thought of me fucking her. “I bet you fuck her tomorrow, oh fuck. Over your desk, hard and fast yeah! Omg babe I’m gonna cum!”

I start to fuck with her wanting to cum with her. “You want that do you?”

With her mouth wide open she nods her head as she pulls on her nipples. “Fill her pussy, like I’m gonna fill yours?” she nods again. “Oh fuck babe I’m going to cum!”

The moment she cums, screeching and jerking about my cock pumps her fucked pussy with whatever cum was left in me. As she flops on my body I feel the warm mix of juices run from her and we passionately kiss.

Tuesday 7:30

A good hour before anyone else would arrive at work. The door to my office was open and I grinned, knowing what was awaiting me inside.

“Good morning, sir.” she swings in my chair looking hot and naughty.

“Morning, Sophie.” I was hard in an instant. Her blouse was open, and her hair was already up in a ponytail.

“I thought we would start the morning with you fucking my face, sir!”

I walk over undoing my belt and trousers as she stares out the top of her glasses. “Sounds good to me.”

“Oh, and feel free to make a mess.” she giggled.

I step between her open legs and drop my trousers and trunks, take my cock in my hand, grab her ponytail, and work her head on my cock. Not like yesterday, I didn’t stop until her mouth was full and I was down her throat. With a few more inches to take her hands push at my hips to stop me. I had no plans on being as brutal with her as I was with the wifey, I knew this was all new to her. As She starts to choke I slide her head off and there’s a loud gasp for air.

Gently I push her towards my cock and still not able to speak she shakes her head and pushes away my hand. She sits up, takes hold of my hips and feeds herself to my cock, and this time her lips move all the way down. With every inch of my cock no longer visible she holds me in and her eyes start to stream, then came the choking and gagging along with the spluttering. As the sloppy mess spilt from her mouth, she desperately tried to breathe, puffing her cheeks the sloppy mess started to froth and bubble up, and I yanked her off.

Oh, she looked like a sexy pretty mess as she desperately gasped for air, drooling all over her tits as the mess hangs and drips off her chin. Then came a loud gasp. “Oh, it’s fucking huge!” and like a hungry slut she spits on my cock and starts jerking me off before taking a deep breath and diving back down and swallowing it all up again.

With her lips planted around my base, I grab the back of the chair and slowly go about fucking her pretty face. The slobbering over my balls mixed with the sound of her gurgling was driving me crazy. Time after time I’d pull out giving her just enough of a break till I fucked her face silly again. She wanted me to make a mess of her and I had. Makeup was smeared everywhere, her top was drenched, and there was a glistening sheen all over her chest and tits where the warm frothy liquid spilt from her mouth and ran from my balls.

The mood we were both in we could have gone on like this for hours but time was ticking. Desperate for both of us to cum I make the call. “Get up!” she was up and bent over my desk with her skirt around her waist in no time. I could feel the heat and wetness as I ran my fingers over her pussy before ripping down her knickers. The naughty look on her fucked flustered face mimics mine and we both knew this was going to be a quick dirty rough fuck before the office filled.

“Oh fuck!” her hand slaps the desk

My sloppy dripping cock splits her lips wide open and as I venture deeper in stretching her tight pussy open her eyes flicker then roll. The faint moaning of “Omg!” gets louder and louder as I feed her more of my cock. Then with it buried deep inside, she clinged onto the edge of the table and glared at me with a wicked glint in her eyes, which brought out the naughty kinky side in me.

I yank her arm behind her back, then lift her head by her hair, cupping my hand over her mouth she was locked and loaded full of my cock and ready for a hard pounding. Slowly I pull out and then slam, my cocks thrust back in bursting her lips open and breaking through her tight walls. Crashing against her fit ass, her sexy body judders in my firm grip, and there is a deep muffled roar of delight.

Every thrust gets harder and the sexy roars get louder. She sounds so fucking hungry and desperate for more. “You fucking love my cock pounding your tight little pussy, yeah!”

She growls in my hand, nodding her head, and I slam back in forcing her on me, breaking new boundaries, venturing deeper than ever.

I pull her up and lean over, growling. “You ready to take a good hard pounding, you dirty little slut?”

I move my hand away to listen to her sexy dirty voice. “Omg take me, fuck me, give me that fucking cock, sir!”

I cup her mouth and fuck this new dirty slut with everything I’ve got. The sound of me clapping against her ass got louder and quicker, just like her muffled moaning. Then from nowhere came this shuddering roar as her body went stiff, before shaking. It was like an electric current surged through her body as she cum, shaking madly as her pounded cunt erupts and creams everywhere.

Now I was like a ticking time bomb ready to explode in any second, and as the clock clicked down I went for it. Leaning further and further into her the countdown started. “Yes! Yess!” and on the count of three, I bolt up and slam in and roar. “Ooh, fuck YES!

The feel of my cock exploding and pumping her tight little pussy full of cum was just insane. The rush through my body kept coming and every time I clench my ass and thrust in I let go. With nothing else to give her, I pull out and stumble back. That’s when I noticed that the only picture still standing on my desk was the one of the wifey.

