Image by Samarel with the help of and

The Cheerleader

Sindy leaned over and whispered in his ear, “Don’t be embarrassed about your boner, Jer, it is a very nice compliment to me…

Hm Samarel
Absolute Erotica
Published in
12 min readJun 4, 2024


The star quarterback shoved him so hard he fell flat on his butt, rolling onto his back as he skidded across the shiny hardwood of the gym floor for a few feet, coming to rest flat on his back with his feet in the air. He could not have ended up in a more compromised position. The rest of the “in-crowd” laughed like crazy, pointing and guffawing. Only one person glared at the super-jock star of the high school, her hands on her shapely hips, showing both her anger and displeasure at his actions. As a couple, she as the head cheerleader, and he as the star quarterback, already invited to seven of the top universities on a full-ride athletic scholarship, they were the prima donnas of the school, deemed the perfect couple by everyone.

Intensely embarrassed, Jeremy got back up, then immediately left the gym, not even looking behind him as he hurried toward his worn-out wreck-of-a-car parked at the far end of the parking lot. His hunk-of-junk car finally started after five grinding tries. One more try and his battery would have been dead.

Back in the gym, Sindi was still glaring at her boyfriend. She and Corse had been dancing cozily at the homecoming dance, the other couples and singles there envying them both for their popularity, their incredible good looks, and their general good fortune. He was obviously going places in the sports world, and her parents and grandparents were richer than god.

“Whaaaaat? You never seen that stupid schmuck fall down before? Skidding on his ass is his normal position! Back the-fuck off!” smirked Corse, his gleaming white teeth twinkling behind his dark skin.

Fuming, Sindi turned on her heel and strode purposefully toward the door of the gym, headed for her brand new red Volkswagen Bug convertible, an early graduation present from her doting grandfather. This was not their first fight over her boyfriend’s egotistical, self-absorbed attitude.

Sindi was too angry to enjoy the Homecoming Dance any more, even if she was the Queen of the ball, half of the Crown Couple of their high school Homecoming Dance. Her absence would ruin her boyfriend’s triumphal homecoming, and that gave her some small measure of satisfaction.

“Awwww Fuck her and the donkey’s ass she rode in on!” Jibed her boyfriend, waving his hand at her as though he was sending her off to purgatory. “She’ll be crawling back in a couple of minutes.” He surreptitiously tipped his flask up and added a bit more vodka to his punch. Then he went back to telling dirty, racist jokes to his teammates and buddies. The other guys didn’t dare leave the rowdy group of seniors; they would have lost their social standing if they protested his racism. Instead, they laughed, though half-heartedly, at his ribald, socially inept words.

Sindi smiled at him. “Hi Jeremy. You got home OK last Friday night?”

Jeremy heard her words but automatically assumed they were not directed at him. After all, the gorgeous, sexy, popular cheerleader Sindi had never before said a word to him. ‘Must be for another Jeremy,’ he thought, still walking.

She put a hand on his arm. "Jeremy, are you OK? I feel badly about what Corse said to you and did to you last Friday night at the dance. He is such a cad.”

Jeremy stood still, his mouth hanging open, staring at the most beautiful woman that had ever talked to him. “Uh, uh, uh, yeah,” he stammered. His face was as red as a fall sunset.

“Can I buy you a Pepsi to make it up to you, Jer?” Sindi asked earnestly.

“Me?” Jeremy asked, obviously not understanding what was going on.

Sindi pulled his arm and guided him into the mall soda shop. All heads turned to look at the spectacle of the gorgeous cheerleader talking to the class klutz and actually touching him, no less! She did not let the heat rising from around her blushing neck deter her; instead, she firmly pulled his arm against the side of her breast and guided him toward a seat at the counter, sitting beside him, even leaning slightly toward him, her shoulder grazing his as they ordered, then sipped their sodas slowly.

It was obvious to everyone in the soda shop, from their laughter and increasingly animated conversation, that they were enjoying their budding friendship.

Feeling overwhelmed by her beauty and her touches, Jeremy could not help the swollen embarrassment that was filling his jeans. Sindy leaned over and whispered in his ear, “Don’t be embarrassed about your boner, Jer, it is a very nice compliment to me. In fact, let’s go somewhere and let me help you out with that!” She giggled as she placed her hand on his swelling.

They both drained their sodas with a single long suck and left together, She was again holding his arm tightly against her firm breast. His erection was visible to everyone in the mall as they walked to her car, scrambled in, and Sindi drove them to her home. Sindi unashamedly fondled his crotch as she drove. Jer sat there, his mouth open, as he stared at the gorgeous woman who apparently was going to help him cum. Dared he hope she would actually allow him to touch her breast? Suddenly, grunting loudly, he erupted in his underwear.

Sindi giggled as she inhaled the scent of his expended sperm. “Don’t worry, honey, before the night is over, your cock will have cum five more times! I am going to teach you to fuck me like I like it. I can already tell you that your cock is bigger than Corse’s!

Lots bigger! That doesn’t say much if you consider that Corse has a tiny one!

But you have a very nice cock! I can hardly wait to have it inside me!”

Jeremy could not believe it! Was he really going to lose his cherry and actually get fucked by a gorgeous woman! He was sure he was having one of his wet dreams. He would wake up and have to clean up his sheets any moment now.

His cock was already swelling back to readiness! Sindi giggled again as she fondled his returning horniness. “Something tells me you’re going to be a great lover, hon!” she sighed.

She had no more than led Jeremy into the foyer of her parent’s house when she frantically started stripping him. She pulled him into the family’s laundry room with his turgid penis, tossed his underwear into the washing machine, then led him to her bedroom, pushed him down on his back on her bed, and mounted him, her mouth open, her breasts still encased in her cheerleader sweater and sports bra. She simply pulled her short dress up, pulled the crotch panel of her undies to the side, and mounted his prick. She rode him like a wild woman, soon cumming over and over as she moaned and mewled, mauling her own breasts, humping his hips, swirling her hips to gain the best effect of his rigid thickness.

Jeremy watched her ecstasy as he tried to memorize every smell, sensation, sound, and movement of his first fuck.

After her tenth or twelfth orgasm, a mesmerized Jeremy could not contain his own orgasm any longer, and felt his cock suddenly fill her with his scalding liquid.

"Now, hon, this is how you strike,” she said, showing him how to move his arms and fist while moving his fist forward toward the punching bag. She slowly moved her own fist forward and back several times, showing Jeremy how to rotate his fist as she extended her arm. “Try it in slow motion ten or twelve times before you actually hit the bag, ok?” Jeremy did as she instructed him.

“Yeah, just like that, honey! Hey! You’re a natural at this!” she chirped happily. “Now go ahead and hit the bag with the flat of your knuckles. When you actually fight, you should use the tips of your knuckles, but for now, just work on hitting the bag flat like this.” Sindi showed him in slow motion, then stepped aside to give him a chance to try it.

Jeremy smacked the bag, making it swing wildly on its chain. Sindi stared at Jeremy. “Have you done this before, hon?” she asked, her eyes wide as she stared at him. She put her hand on the punching bag to keep it swinging.

Jeremy shook his head.

Sindi then showed Jeremy how to do a roundhouse kick, which he also picked up instantly. Then she showed him how to kick straight forward, keeping his toes bent up. Jeremy mastered that in a few short moments as well.

Curious, she led him from the Dojo to the gym. She tossed him a basketball and told him to dribble it.

“What does that mean, dribble?” he asked sheepishly. Jeremy could have assembled a computer with his eyes closed, or programmed an impossible subroutine in his sleep, but sports mystified him. Sindi showed him how a person could bounce the ball and control its bounce enough to keep it ahead of themselves as they made movements forward and sideways on the gym floor. Amazingly, Jeremy also learned how to dribble quickly.

“Shoot a basket, Jer,” she instructed him. “Just try to put the basketball through the hoop by pushing it toward the basketball hoop with your hand.”

“Can I use that white board behind it to bounce it off of?” Jeremy asked innocently.

“Ah, sure, but you don’t have to if you don’t want to. It counts either way. As long as the ball comes down through the opening in the center, the basket counts.” She stared at Jeremy as he stood there, gauging how far the basketball hoop was from where he stood. It took him three tries to make the first basket, but Jeremy was soon hitting a respectable percentage of his shots within minutes.

Sindi was astonished at just how coordinated Jeremy was and how good his hand-to-eye coordination was. She felt the familiar feeling of her growing wetness that seemed to always occur when she was around a natural athlete. “God, honey, watching you do this makes me horny! Let’s go make love somewhere, OK?” Cindy massaged her breasts slightly as she stared at Jeremy’s crotch, her tongue between her teeth, her wetness saturating her underwear.

Jeremy had totally fallen in love with his gorgeous partner in this incomprehensible relationship. That a spaz nerd could be with a sexy head cheerleader made no sense to anyone in the world, especially Jeremy, but it worked for Sindi right here, right now.

In their heat, they burst through the gym door, and ran smack into Corse.

Corse instinctively grabbed Jeremy by the scruff of the neck and lifted him from the ground. Jeremy, instinctively feeling protective of the woman he loved with all his heart, buried his fist in Corse’s solar plexus. It was a perfect karate strike. Corse crumpled to the floor, his hand slipping from Jeremy’s clothing.

“OH GAWD I AM TURNED ON! FUCK!” screamed Sindi. She again grabbed Jeremy’s hand and pulled him toward her car. They jumped in, Sindi instantly, frantically tearing her panties off, then scrambled onto Jeremy’s lap, pulled her dress up, and then plopped her crotch on the bulge in Jeremy’s jeans. She ground her pussy unmercifully on his crotch, cumming in gushes and squirts in only a few seconds.

Jeremy’s trousers were soaked front and back, the seat in her new car was saturated, and her screams of ecstasy were audible for a block around. She pulled her sweater and sports bra up and shoved her delectable young firm titties into Jeremy’s face, screaming, “CHEW MY NIPPLES! BITE MY TITS!”

Jeremy, as always, did as directed, covering her perfect orbs with bite marks and bruises. Sindi’s groans of pleasure and screams of orgasm continued until she finally passed out, slumped over Jeremy’s shoulders, nearly naked and visible to anyone walking by her car.

Sindi’s head was lying across Jeremy’s chest after they had finished making love for hours. “God your good in bed, baby! I can’t believe how lucky I am having you as my lover!”

Jeremy grinned from ear to ear. He still wasn’t sure how he had lucked out like this, but he was pragmatic enough not to question fate.

“You know hon, I think you should go out for the basketball team. They need you. Corse keeps screwing EVERYthing up. We are never going to have a winning season with him as captain. His shooting percentage is WAY too low to justify his starting role. The coach is just afraid of screwing up. Why don’t you go out for the team and take over, Jeremy? You could do it hon! Honest!”

Jeremy had no idea what had happened since he started dating Sindi, but every time he did something she suggested, it seemed to come up roses for them.

“OK,” he grunted.

“GAWD! I’m horny again. Fuck me again, baby; fuck me deep and hard with your thick white cock! Did I ever tell you yours is the first white cock I ever fucked? I fucked only black guys until I fucked you. And baby, you’re by far the best lover I have ever had! Thinking of you pushing Corse out of the leadership of the basketball team makes me WET! Fuck me hard and deep and chew my tits and bite my nipples Jer! Fuck me like you own my cunt! Oh GAWD your white dick turns me on!”

Jeremy eagerly plunged into her saturated kitty and hammered her till she was blathering incomprehensible nonsense.

“Look you fucking bag of dog puke, we’re going to fuck you up. You can count your seconds till your dead, you fucking white nigger! You been fucking my girl and I ain’t going to put up with anyone doing that!”

Corse held the gun in his hand like he had seen the thugs on TV hold theirs, sideways. Sindi started giggling. The other men in the little impromptu gang looked at her, startled by her mirth at such a heart-stopping time. All of them were feeling their fear; their adrenaline was pumping into their veins like a flood along a river.

Sindi giggled again. “Hey guys! I tell you what, let’s make a deal that is in EVERYone’s best interest. You all know this egotistical sack of bat shit has been using you for his own selfish purposes your whole life. I’ll make you all a deal you can’t refuse! All of you beat the shit out of him tonight, and then we will all go get a room, and you can all fuck me till you can’t get it up any more! You can fuck me all weekend and Monday too if you can still get it up!” She pointed at Corse as she smiled her most gorgeous and winning smile. “Just fuck him up real bad first.” She lifted her dress to show the guys she was not wearing any underwear. In the glare of the streetlights, they could all see her cunnie gleaming with wetness.

The guys started mumbling among themselves. But no one made the first move. “I’ll even let you fuck me up, my ass, guys. Just fuck-up that loser first and then let go; I am getting wet just thinking of having all your cocks fucking me bareback!”

Sindi began caressing her breasts with one hand and diddling her clittie with the other as she stared lustfully at the group of young men.

The sound of a fist hitting the side of Corse’s handsome face was heard by all.

Jeremy answered the telephone as he watched the news, even as he also chewed methodically on his food. “Yeah?” Another Christmas alone, at home, with Chinese. “Hi Jer. This is a voice from your past. Can you guess who I am?” The voice had a slightly mechanical sound to it. Jeremy thought back through the last twenty years. The voice reminded him of no one he could think of. “I got no clue. Hell, I can’t even tell if you’re male or female.” There was a long silence. Jeremy thought he heard a small sob.”Jer, this is Sindi. Do you remember me?”

Jeremy almost dropped the phone. “Sindi? Like the Sindi I fell in love with in high school?”

A small sniffle. "Yes, baby, the Sindi that loved you in high school.” "Wow, that doesn’t sound like you.” “Yeah, the bullet took out my larynx, as you know. This is an artificial larynx.” “My god! Where are you now, honey?”

For several minutes, only sobs could be heard over the phone. Then, slowly, Sindi began to speak again. “Jeremy, I am so sorry for getting you in the predicament that got us both shot so many years ago. I am so sorry, baby. But, honey, can we just get together and see if there is anything left between us? I know I want to try again. Do you feel anything in your heart, honey? I heard your wife passed away from cancer a year ago. I am so sorry, baby. Can we meet and talk? Just talk and see what is still in us. Please Jeremy? It would mean the world to me!”

Jeremy smiled for the first time in years. “There is nothing I would like better, Sindi,” he replied, hoping in his heart for the first time in a very long time. “Let’s have Christmas dinner together, honey,” he said as tears coursed down his cheeks.



Hm Samarel
Absolute Erotica

"Great minds fuck alike." I am an artist/editor of erotica. Find me on Amazon: