Amar Shukla
Published in
3 min readJun 12, 2017


Part-2 Flashing DietPi

My Pi connected with TV using HDMI

After a lot of research on newly added debian based operating systems for Pi, I have finally decided to try DietPi.

Why Diet Pi ?

It’s a minimal Raspbian image that only uses 400 mb of space and 12mb RAM, making it a great OS for any project. Official site quotes it as “Give your single-board computer lightweight justice.”


Before we start flashing the OS, Let’s ensure that we have all the required stuff -

- 1GB or greater Micro SD card (2GB+ for desktop and multiple software selections).
- Internet Access (Ethernet or Wifi, required to complete the DietPi setup).
- Dedicated USB Drive is highly recommended (Allows DietPi-Software installations to utilize USB over SD).

Installation steps

  • Download the DietPi image from
  • It is always good to ensure if the download was complete to save ourselves from future failure, verify the md5 checksum. For those who are not aware of how to validate the file for checksum, its a simple command. Navigate to the directory containing your DietPi image file. In my case I have it on my desktop so I reached there by issues cd ~/Desktop. Issue below command -
    md5sum DietPi_v148_RPi-armv6-\(Jessie\).img
    output from above commands was -
    38c9fb9292cd135dd4e3b139ca445630 DietPi_v148_RPi-armv6-(Jessie).img
    I matched this long output string with specified MD5 string in hash.txt which came bundled in downloaded DietPi zip file. Match was exact so I am sure that full file is downloaded.
  • We need to create a bootable SD card so I am going to use Etcher as I have used it in past and it does the job well.
Etcher software

Click on Select Image and select your DietPi .img file (filename can vary in future so I am not typing exact filename here). Now Select drive button should have enabled and if you have connected your micro-SD card with your laptop using card reader or inbuilt micro-SD port, drive must be auto-selected and screen should look like below -

All set to start burning image on micro-sd card

Now click on Flash button and it will start flashing the image on your card, simple isn’t it? When the burning process is complete etcher screen would look like this -

image burning completed

So our card is ready with new image on it and we can safely remove it from card reader and plug it in Pi.

I have attached my Pi with LED Tv using HDMI and lets see what happens next.

DietPi b+/ooting first time

As soon as I powered on my Pi instructions starmnbvcxzted getting loaded automatically and in the end it will halt showing you default login and password, can be seen in below pic.

halt screen

Default login for DietPi is as below :

username : root
password : dietpi


So finally we have installed DietPi OS successfully on our Raspberry Pi 2 board. In the next blog post we will configure wifi, update repositories, install softwares, etc. Stay tuned.

