Why Entrepreneurship? Part 1

Fab Rue
Abstract Assembly
Published in
2 min readDec 11, 2018

In my opinion, all undergraduate (especially business) students should take at least one class pertaining to entrepreneurship, but why?

When most people talk about or mention entrepreneurship they quickly bring up these super successful individuals like Elon Musk or Mark Zuckerberg. Because of that there seems to be this connotation, that studying entrepreneurship is some attempt at a shot to the big bucks. Don’t get me wrong, that is achievable with a lot of hard work, dedication, and a “little bit” of luck. It just the fact that students (and honestly everyone) can benefit and learn so much more than that to help them grow in various ways.

Coming into my first couple of entrepreneurship classes, I didn’t know what to expect. Then as the semester continued on I got familiar with classmates, became acquainted with the professors, delved deeper into the subjects, and began work on team projects was when everything started to click. On top of that there were so many other great resources beyond the classroom like TED talks, books, news, and journal articles. They all provided some great some insight into methodologies, experiences, and advice from past and current entrepreneurs.

Our Start-Up: Commercialization class team presenting Abstract Assembly at the Moss Arts Center last spring (Photo Credit: Dr. Bairaktarova)

Now before I start rambling on and make this post longer than it should be, I’ll list out some things I’ve been exposed, attained, or improved during my time at Pamplin’s Apex Center for Entrepreneurs at Virginia Tech. Then in the upcoming weeks and months I will go a little more in-depth of my some experiences and hopefully try to spark some interest in the fascinating field of entrepreneurship

  • The Growth Mindset
  • Expanding professional networks
  • Exposure to different perspectives/disciplines
  • Interview Skills
  • Analytical Skills
  • And so much more…

In the end of this, I hope people can see the true value of an entrepreneurial skill-set as it is not just about starting and running a new business. These skills have applications beyond that and the more people exposed to them the better.

Now be sure to visit our website and Facebook page if you’d like to learn more about Abstract Assembly, our team, and how we’re speeding up the engineering design process!

Since it’s that time of year I hope everyone has a safe and happy holidays!

