Abstract SDK + Rollkit Hackathon Track | Celestia Infinite Space Bazaar

Adair Kelley
Abstract Money
Published in
5 min readApr 4, 2024

Abstract Money is offering a $2,500 prize to the team who implements the best SocialFi-focused rollup with apps built using the Abstract SDK, deployed on a CosmWasm rollup using Rollkit’s sovereign rollup framework.

Celestia Infinite Space Bazaar is a hackathon from April 2nd to May 17th, 2024, rewarding applications on Celestia and its rollups across DeFi, NFTs, Gaming, and General Applications. It values creativity and innovation. Extra points for projects that push the boundaries of what’s possible on Celestia. Sounds crazy, right? Read on to learn more

Track: Abstract MyFi — Best SocialFi Application built using Rollkit and Abstract SDK

Abstract Money

Abstract Money is a multi-chain development and distribution platform for dapps. Our goal is to enable developers to build more powerful interchain dApps through collaboration, convention, and modularity. We provide a full-stack CosmWasm app development experience, including smart-contract, middleware, and frontend tooling.


Rollkit is a sovereign rollup framework that allows anyone to launch their own sovereign, customizable blockchain as easily as a smart contract. Our mission is to empower developers to quickly innovate and create entire new classes of rollups with minimal tradeoffs. We’re setting the bar high for developers’ flexibility and ability to customize rollups however they see fit. Developers can deploy and interact with CosmWasm Rollkit rollups using cw-orchestrator, with a guide available here.

Abstract SDK

The Abstract SDK is our modular CosmWasm framework, built to streamline the development of interchain applications. Using this SDK, devs can build modules that extend the functionality of Abstract Accounts, our IBC-native smart-contract wallet. And then using our on-chain application management infrastructure, you can publish apps that span and control the entire interchain.

Abstract applications are account-based, meaning that every Abstract App is just an Abstract Account with Modules installed on it. When an Abstract App is “installed” by the end-user, they are creating a sub-account on their main account and literally instantiating the application components, meaning all apps are “self-hosted” and non-custodial. This opens up the doors for highly unique applications where the users always remain in full control, such as in social media or community-based platforms, oft-coined “SocialFi,” though as Abstract infra is fully owned by You, it’s “MyFi.” This works very well with rollups, as the rollups themselves can scale as the social media platform scales in size.


Why MyFi? In DeFi, we are using decentralized, but still custodial, applications for our finances. Web3 is about self-sovereignty and ownership, and those rights are still being relinquished to now on-chain financial services. These services can update the contracts, migrate ownership, and all can potentially rug you. Using Abstract, every app you interact with is fully controlled by YOU. Blockchain gives us the tools we need for public financial infrastructure, and using these same tools, we can build personal financial infrastructure. As a user, I’d want this financial infrastructure to be customized to ME, and feel like MINE. Abstract MyFi brings this dream to reality.


🎈 We encourage all hackers to be as creative and innovative as possible for this. If you have an idea and are unsure how it can be built, please reach out to us on Discord.

Social finance focuses on the social applications of DeFi. Its goal is to create a more fair and financially inclusive online ecosystem where users have greater control over their content and can directly benefit from their online activities.

On traditional social media platforms, users create accounts on their servers, relinquishing control of all content and activities to the platform. With Abstract, Apps are literally installed on users’ Accounts, meaning that meaning that they’re fully sovereign and controlled by them. This flips the control model, and the platform simply provides an interface that accesses functionality available on the users’ Accounts.

For example, let’s say that we were building a social media platform on Abstract. This Abstract App would include:

  • Profile module — allowing for creation and management of of a user-profile NFT
  • Posts module — allowing for publishing of NFT posts on a specific profile, with means of “purchasing” the posts from end-users
  • Social points module — allows other users to buy “shares” in an individual via bonding curves or other mechanism.
  • Marketplace module — allowing for users to list and sell items

For this track, create a socialFi application that would require a user to install it on their Account before they can access the platform. We’d like you to think about novel incentive mechanisms, media ownership, and NFTs.

To Qualify

  • Deploy a CosmWasm Rollup using Rollkit
  • Use cw-orchestrator to deploy Abstract’s on-chain app infrastructure
  • Use the Abstract SDK to write a novel application using it’s Account-based application model. Users must install it to participate in something socially (like FriendTech, reviews, etc.).
  • Create a frontend where users can install the app on their own account and interact with other installations of the app


  • Single-app instances, where the application is “hosted” on one Account.
  • This app should be fully owned by the end-user, with the platform conforming to their installation.
  • Apps can have factories and other contracts that orchestrate information like multi-queriers or -executors.

Interchain MyFi BONUS (reach out to us):

One of the best use cases for Abstract (and the reason our original name was Abstract OS) is for personal rollups. Using Interchain Abstract Accounts (ICAAs), you can use this rollup to control any account on any blockchain connected via IBC. Here’s an overview and code walkthrough. You can also use these ICAAs to interact with any other DeFi primitive on the interchain, using our DeFi adapters. This means you can create fully self-sovereign DeFi strategies spanning multiple chains. If you are interested in pursuing this, please reach out to us on Discord and we can guide you through the process of working with them. This requires knowledge of IBC and cross-chain execution. We have advanced tooling to support this use case.

