Easy and effective way to do meditation from my personal experience

Abstract Stuff
Published in
3 min readMay 26, 2017


Have you ever tried to do meditation?

Most of us do not know what meditation is and we start searching in the internet or some books from Religions authors, philosophers, psychiatrists. You might have read about the need for peaceful ambiance, fragrance, sitting in straight posture etc., but have you had real experience of meditation?

I tried all those, but nothing works. My focus was rather going on those external things and not internal.

Accidentally a method occurred to me which I have cultivated taking cues from experience in doing so. And I realized, I need nothing to do mediation:

Meditation can be done anywhere, anytime and by anyone

Here is what it is, you can give it a try:

I am sure in your childhood, you might have played with a pencil or finger pointing between your eyebrows and you feel the pain. Now, bring that pain.

First Goal: When you remove the object, you may lose the pain. Your first goal is to retain that pain when the object is removed, i.e., point the object, bring the pain, remove the object and try to retain the pain. In this process your eyes are still open.

Second goal: Try retaining the pain even after the eyes are closed.

Point the object, feel the pain, remove the object, retain the pain, close the eyes, still retain the pain. If you lose it try few times.

Your eyes are still not moving, its fixated even though it is closed.

Third goal: Try retaining the pain, even while moving the eyeball with closed lid.

Fourth goal: Try retaining the pain, while moving the eyeball and open eyes.

At this stage, if you can retain the pain for a minute or so, you try to increase the retention up to four or five minutes.

Fifth goal: Try retaining the pain while physically moving

Sixth goal: Try to bring and feel the pain between brows, without any object and retain it while moving or working on something

The moment you lose the pain, know that your thread of concentration has been disturbed. Rekindle.

At this stage, we have put the foundation to meditation. We haven’t started it yet.

Following are my rituals, adapt or adopt to make your own:

I say to myself in mind voice, why I am meditating e.g., These are my typical words:

Step 1: I feel the pain between brows and in my mind voice I say— I am doing this meditation to make my mind calmer, relax and rejuvenate or make advances in my goals , goal 1, goal 2 or These are the current problems I want to solve problem 1, problem 2 or these are the questions to which i want to find answer question 1, q2. Each time, I sit to meditate, the purpose may differ.

Step 2: I pay respects to Parents, forefathers, Gurus, Nature, God, good human beings, significant personalities, I bring their image in my mind, and seek their blessings

Step 3: I pray for the well being of everything right from universe, nature, animals, plants, natural resources, relative, friends, family. I go one by one. I bring respective images into my mind.

Step 4: I now come to the purpose of the meditation: If I were to relax i just focus on the pain and try to increase the intensity of it and expand the area; and also bring new pain in different parts of body.

If I were to advance in a goal, I resolve what I do/ have to do; if I want to solve some problem, I make my prayer on the outcome I desire; if I want to get answers for some question, I hypothesize, argue, analyze facts, assumptions

Step 5: Mentally make note of good things you felt or did while doing meditation and try to repeat it in your next meditation.

Enjoy Meditation.



Abstract Stuff

Budding Entrepreneur, Credit Bureau Professional, Banking Technologist.