Engulfed in Existence

Ronin Winter
Absurd Existence
Published in
1 min readJan 18, 2019
Albert Camus — His writings and philosophy formed the inspiration for this poem

The languid air swoops in, I am aware.
Shall I express this Existential dread.
The faces of Anguish so desolate and grotesque.
I think I’m better off dead.

The tessellation of azure that paint the Heavens.
Blind adulation for an illusory figment.
The splashing stream of wicked delusions.
I gracefully protrude along this confinement.

The realisation of the Self.
Must not succumb, must rejoice and rebel.
This forest of seduction that I enjoy.
I laugh at the Absurd as I realise that I am truly free.



Ronin Winter
Absurd Existence

Bachelor student in Artificial Intelligence at the University of Groningen. Co-host of the Plato’s Cave Podcast: anchor.fm/plato-cave