How to do Complete Work

Are you finishing what you’ve started?

David Andrew Wiebe
Abundance Attraction


Photo by J. Kelly Brito on Unsplash

We all work.

But what does it look like to do complete work?

It might sound strange, but most of us don’t finish what we start.

And your knee-jerk reaction is probably going to be, “I don’t know about that D.A., my billions of Medium articles, shiny new Lambo, and 12,000 square foot home say otherwise.”

And I hear you. I’m a Medium rock star myself.

But just hold your horses for a second and hear me out. There’s something here for you if you delay that instant gratification.

Project Clutter is a Plague to the Mind and Your Well-Being

See, as ambitious creatives, it’s easy to get in the habit of starting dozens of projects, rarely or never finishing any. And I’m guilty as sin.

This is just one area to do some looking (more to follow), but it’s still an important one.

I’ve found that every project takes up a certain amount of mind space, and after a while, it’s like your mental RAM resources get eaten up, and your neck-top computer starts sputtering and freezing and crashing.



David Andrew Wiebe
Abundance Attraction

Empowering independent artists to share their passion, build devoted fan bases, and turn creativity into income.