Why Embracing Failure is Critical to Your Success

Keep Getting up to Bat

David Andrew Wiebe
Abundance Attraction


Why Embracing Failure is Critical to Your Success
Photo by Eduardo Balderas on Unsplash

If a baseball player hits a base hit one in three times up to bat, he’s considered a success. It’s the rare player, in fact, who ends up with a batting average of .300 (that’s 30%) or higher at the end of a season.

When it comes to writing content or setting up businesses, your batting average is sure to be even less than that.

Marketing guru Dan Kennedy talks about how if one of his direct response campaign in every eight is a success, he’s considered a genius by his clients.

But, yet again, when it comes to the hard work of establishing a personal brand or a steady flow of clients, your batting average is sure to be dismal by comparison.

I have met the occasional person who’s leapt from one success to another. I’m not sure if I even buy that. It’s probably the result of a selective memory or curated history.

It’s been my experience that we will all encounter our share of failure on our way to achieving success.

It’s what you do with the failure that matters.

You Can Learn from Your Failures

We often think failure is not an option. Or we see it as a worst-case scenario.



David Andrew Wiebe
Abundance Attraction

Empowering independent artists to share their passion, build devoted fan bases, and turn creativity into income.