Abundant Referrals

John B. Petersen III
Abundant Daily
Published in
2 min readNov 26, 2018

I love connecting two people who really should know each other.

When this is done right, it creates the possibility of magic flowing from this newly formed relationship. This new connection could spark the next great idea, a friendship, business partnership, life partnership, a project collaboration, or just a really good conversation.

When this is done wrong, it is a waste of time for all three parties involved and leaves a bitter taste in everyone’s mouth.

I’ve given and received many wonderful referrals over the years and built several businesses based mainly on word of mouth. Here’s the most important elements to being an Abundant giver of referrals (I’ll save the elements of receiving Abundant referrals for another post).

1. Only connect two people if there’s the possibility for mutual benefit

This should go without saying, but it’s often not the case. If you want to be an amazing resource for people in your network, ensure your referrals are mutually beneficial. That could be as simple as one person needing a trusted service provider, but make sure there is a need there before spamming away.

2. Always utilize the double-opt in method

Fred Wilson nailed this one, so I won’t add any more. Please don’t skip this.

3. Provide appropriate background information

You are introducing these people. Make sure to spend the time to speak to the gifts and genius of each person your connecting. It goes a long way to helping them kickstart the conversation.

4. Explain why you believe there’s magic in this connection

You see the magic. They don’t yet see it. Help expand their arena by sharing what you see is possible from this introduction.

5. Make referrals from a place of abundance

If someone is desperate to make a sale, I’ll never make an introduction. It brings a bad energy to the start of a relationship and feels like a very one-side introduction (See #1).

Introducing two people who should know each other can be one of the most valuable things that you do for people in your network. Please take the time to do it intentionally with permission and from an Abundant perspective.



John B. Petersen III
Abundant Daily

Living somewhere between the past and the future and building next generation products at Abundant through technology and simplicity.