Aligned Activities

John B. Petersen III
Abundant Daily
Published in
1 min readNov 6, 2018

Change happens gradually but feels so sudden.

One day I was back stage at a club in Vegas hours away from one of the worst hangovers in my life. My very next time in Vegas, I was there for an Abundant immersion, didn’t drink, didn’t gamble and spent half a day in a spa for self care.

What had been happening gradually over time was now fully emergent in that moment.

I began replacing old habits and activities with more aligned ones.

Gambling and drinking were unaligned strategies to help me disconnect and escape. They served me well during those years. I’m extremely grateful that I’ve found more aligned ways to relate to my experiences.

Now I meditate on top of a cliff overlooking the ocean. I take naps in a redwood grove. I get Network Care every week. I read a book in front of a fireplace with a delicious cup of tea.

These new strategies weren’t in my awareness 4 years ago. And they didn’t all happen at once. Slow and steady progress. I started by cutting back on a certain unaligned activity until the desire was gone. That took time. We’re playing the long game.

It feels amazing to have upgraded structures, systems and support where I can go to get resourced instead of becoming further depleted.

You know what activities no longer feel as good as they once did. Start by bringing awareness to the fact that they no longer serve you as well as they used to. Everything else will fall into place from there.



John B. Petersen III
Abundant Daily

Living somewhere between the past and the future and building next generation products at Abundant through technology and simplicity.