Deep Listening

John B. Petersen III
Abundant Daily
Published in
1 min readOct 30, 2018

Last week was a free master class for me in deep listening coming at me from all angles.

If I was the architect of my own journey, I would have written the past week a bit differently. That said, I’m extremely grateful for how it all went down.

Deep listening refers to the process of listening with full presence and from a place of unattachment. It is listening to what someone else is saying and also what they are not saying or not able to say. It involves reading between the lines and opening our awareness to what we’re not seeing and hearing.

This is a topic I’ve spent the last year cultivating and practicing with every opportunity I can. We spent an entire weekend in full immersion at Abundant with our most intimate program focused on the topic of deep listening and listening based leadership.

The most difficult part of deep listening for us humans is to eliminate our attachment from what we are hearing. When our wants, desires and egos are leading the way, we can easily distort what is actually being said with what we want to hear.

This is some next level, Jedi master stuff. I’m definitely not perfect, but I’m getting better. I’m excited to be on the path and sharing my experience along the way.



John B. Petersen III
Abundant Daily

Living somewhere between the past and the future and building next generation products at Abundant through technology and simplicity.