Own Your Transformation

John B. Petersen III
Abundant Daily
Published in
1 min readNov 26, 2018

There’s one recurring theme that we see over and over again with people who experience the biggest breakthroughs and transformations.

If you’ve read the title of this post, you know exactly where this is going.

People who take personal responsibility for their journey are going to get the most out of it.

We know that the results work. We see people make massive changes in the trajectory of their life. We also see people who don’t. They either make a tiny course correction or they experience a bump but then return to their old ways.

The difference is that by taking ownership of our transformation, we are no longer dependent on any outside people, stories, excuses or environments that may prevent us from reaching our highest potential. We know that it’s up to us to put in the work and be the driving force behind our breakthroughs.

When you realize that you are the key to achieving everything you want, to becoming who you want to be, to experiencing radical transformation and growth, you show up differently. That difference in show up is everything.

The only one preventing you from unlocking the level next of you is you. Own that. Get out of your own way. Take responsibility for your journey. And connect back to that ownership any time things don’t go exactly as planned.

You got this. You’re ready for this. Own your transformation.



John B. Petersen III
Abundant Daily

Living somewhere between the past and the future and building next generation products at Abundant through technology and simplicity.