Release Your Ambition Today!

Jon Tabbernor
Acacia Reads
Published in
4 min readDec 13, 2017

“The purpose of life is a life of purpose”

but how do we get there…

So many people go through their working life just accepting the norm, getting by and not pushing themselves to live true to their values.

Why should you do this?

Well some of the benefits from people who are doing what they really want are: increased job satisfaction, personal growth & higher earnings.

This comprehensive guide is designed to help you to to figure out exactly what it is you want to achieve in your career and to guide you to getting there today.

Step 1 is knowing what you value most

“If you can’t stop thinking about it, don’t stop working for it”

Everybody is different.

Each person has different ambitions and circumstances. Too many people though tend to procrastinate, accept the status quo and stay in their current situation even though it’s not what they really want.


Take a moment.

What does your ideal life look like?

Is it a promotion that you want in your current career path?

A career change altogether?

You want to work for yourself?

One thing is for certain, if you aren’t sure and don’t have a clear focus then it isn’t going to happen.

It’s also important to validate why that is what you want for your career. For example many people want to own their own business but then aren’t so willing to put in the hours necessary to get started.

Step 2 is discovering how you’re going to get there

The quickest ways to get a promotion in your current career:

  1. Get Relevant Training

There are so many options when it comes to training. More and more people are going to university, however university costs are high with no 100% job guarantee, so you may find the option of working and learning more appealing.

It is surprising how many sectors can be covered with on the job training. Some examples include Health & Social Care and Dental Nursing.

It is always worth checking what the relevant options are in your specific sector however as some may require a university degree and others may not.

2. Make Contacts

The old saying goes, it’s not what you know it’s who you know. And whilst it’s majorly important to know your stuff, if you have a strong network around you it can help you to land your dream job too.

“But I have no contacts!”

The good news if you have no contacts is that it has never been easier to make contacts. You no longer have to hope that sucking up to your boss will work. You don’t even have to find networking events near you to go to, simply utilise Linkedin and reach out to people in your sector and actively engage with them by commenting in posts or direct messages.

3. Produce Great Work

There is the age old debate about knowledge vs experience and the way we look at it isn’t one or the other, it is both! (Hence our preference for work based learning where both can be achieved.)

That is why producing great work is essential as it provides you with not only kudos with your boss but also your own personal work testimonials that can physically showcase your abilities when seeking out career progression.

4. Ask

Lastly, if you don’t ask you don’t get.

How are prospective decision makers ever going to know about your wants and needs. If you do steps 1–3 and line up your dreams but the opportunities still don’t present themselves. Sometimes all you need to do is ask (but be prepared to be able to backup your evidence ie. knowledge and experience)

Step 3 is getting there

Now that you know what you want and how you’re going to get there, it’s all about taking the steps necessary to living your life ambitions!

And when you do you’ll be feeling like this…

If you’ve been inspired to take action on your career from this post then we’d love it if you comment with your ambition and what you’re going to do to take action, we’d also really appreciate it if you show some ❤️ for the post!

What next?
If you’re looking to take your career to the next level and want work based training that is funded then Acacia Training may be able to help you out.



Jon Tabbernor
Acacia Reads

Digital Marketing Professional. Growing businesses at Lover of Travel, Yorkshire Tea & @stokecity