
Acad Oval
Published in
2 min readJun 20, 2016


It was like I was filming a movie; but unlike those movies that have lots of characters in it, this was all hers.

She is the protagonist. The movie’s storyline is all about her trials. It is all about her problems about the misplaced comb, lipstick, foundation, perfume, bag, and everything that she always uses to construct her own strong image. It is all about her passing all her subjects, making new friends, making time with her family, and having her daily beauty sleep.

She is also the antagonist. All of her trials are caused by her malfunctions, her faults, her insecurities, her imperfection, and her soft heart. She is always looking for the things she think will make her beautiful. She always thought that passing all her subjects will make her happy. She has lots of imperfections that make this movie quite interesting.

Unlike other movies, I don’t want this movie to be shown on cinemas nationwide. The reason is very simple: it is filmed with the use of my eyes. It is stored not in flash drives but in the tiny memory of mine. It is reviewed not by rotten tomatoes but by my heart that beats for the name of the lead star.

I really wanted the dark side of yours. I really enjoyed your bright side. The film that I have in mind will always be repeated in my memory as I am repeatedly falling in love with you every day.

