Self-improvement course

Accelerated Awareness Workshop

Would you want one worksop that will give you all the secrets about the cosmos, life, the world, and the human psychology while providing a detailed map of self-improvement?

Spiritual Alchemist
School of Awakening
2 min readDec 12, 2020



How would it be to find the answers to big questions of life in one training?

Would it not be nice to have a map of life and the human development?

You will these answers and have a map with this training.

Part 0 is FREE introduction to introduce you to the 3 part program. Each part takes different amount of time. You may find the course details on the Webinar page of ACADEMIA MODERN publication.

THIS IS A TRANSFORMATIVE PROGRAM. You will transform from a caterpillar to a Butterly and shine with wisdom.

PART 1 — Meaning of life & cosmos

This a 4 weeks-long program with 2 classes of 3 hours every week.

1- Suffering & understanding the cosmic illusion (Maya)

