New Podcast — The Second Convivialist Manifesto — Civic Sociology

Civic Sociology
Academic College
2 min readAug 10, 2020


This month’s podcast is a unique discussion about a document we are privileged to have the opportunity to present to you in English in an abridged form. [LINK]

The Second Convivialist Manifesto, signed by 276 intellectuals from around the world, charts a new political position — a synthesis — that overcomes the limits of the major political paradigms of the 20th century — liberalism, communism, socialism and anarchism — in order to pave the way for something new.

I speak with some of the co-authors and signatories, Alain Caille, professor of sociology emeritus at the University of Paris-Ouest-Nanterre, founder of the Anti-Utilitarian Movement in the Social Sciences (MAUSS), one of the leaders of the convivialist movement.

Frank Adloff, professor of sociology, Hamburg University,

Frédéric Vandenberghe currently professor of sociology at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

We are also joined by Albena Azmanova, associate professor in political and social theory at the University of Kent, who presents a critical point of view emphasising precarity in addition to inequality.

In an era in which social problems seem to proliferate without end, it is refreshing to see and hear intellectuals presenting a positive and practical vision for the future.

So, please do listen and read the manifesto on

Originally published at on August 10, 2020.

