The UniTopia p̶r̶o̶j̶e̶c̶t̶ Process

Academic College
2 min readApr 7, 2021


An experiment in knowledge making

The UniTopia Process

Globally, nationally and locally, universities are at a crossroads in terms of their civic purpose. Externally, we face market, government, environmental and social demands — many of which are difficult to address. Meanwhile, internally, mismatches between management and staff needs often create wasteful distractions that take us away from our core work.

The Covid-19 pandemic has transformed the way we work — with many of us working from home while balancing new, fluid domestic patterns and uncertain health conditions. But, at some point in the near future we will be back at our desks once more, back in our lecture theatres and seminar room, back on the conference circuit and so on.

UniTopia reflects on whether we want to go back to the status quo ante?

This seminar series is a space to start something new while retaining the best of the old — particularly in relation to the value of academic expertise, the curation and care with matters of truth, and notions of ethics and the public good.

It is intended as a starting point, not a conclusive audit. Through our work, insights and effort we can make a new set of academic practices, indeed a new university: a UniTopia.

Join us for the first of our running seminar series — hosted by the new Academic College ( with project assistance from the Independent Social Research Foundation (

The Process:

Phase 1 — beginning 19 May

Every other Wednesday, we will host a live digital discussion prompted by a talk pre-recorded by a leading expert in critical university studies and related fields.

The talk will premiere at this time and discussion will begin with comments and questions from the next speaker before opening to questions from around the world.

Upcoming Events:

26 May — Chris Newfield — Four Futures for Higher Ed

9 June — Eric Lybeck — Toward a Civic Ethic for Education: DuBois, Arnold and Eliot (George)

23 June — Zoe Bulaitis —tbc

7 July —

Sign up at Eventbrite:

Phase 2 — Open Seminar and Reading Group

Coming soon — September 2021

Sign up to the Academic College Newsletter to stay posted

Phase 3 — Community Workshops

Phase 4 — tbc

Phase 5 — tbc



Academic College

An open seminar series on the topic of universities past, present and future