The UniTopia Process has begun

Academic College
2 min readJun 2, 2021


Christopher Newfield (ISRF) launches the UniTopia Process

Last week, we managed to set sail — Towards horizons familiar, but also unknown.

As of 26 May 2021, we have begun the process of re-imagining, reconstructing and remaking our universities on surer footing. We want to recall and preserve the best elements of this very peculiar and unique institution. And, yet there is so much we would change — criticism and vigilance remain essential if progress is to be obtained then sustained.

And we need everyone to join in — what do you want to see in the university of the future? Please do join the process — subscribe to our YouTube or other social channels.

Our discussion began with Professor Christopher Newfield, Director of Research at the Indepentent Social Research Foundation speaking about four possible futures for the university in the future.

His full talk has been archived here:

Or, you can watch the live discussion with a response from Dr Eric Lybeck and audience members watching from a range of live platforms. Remember you can ask any question at any time during our live discussions!

Eric will be continuing the process next week on reconstructing a ‘Civic Ethic for Education: DuBois, Arnold and Eliot (George)’. The work builds on his recent theory of the ‘University Revolution’, including the contribution of late 19th century ideals that navigated a course between ‘spiritless’ utilitarianism and aristocratic elitism. Perhaps these and other thinkers of the time point to an alternative conceptualisation of higher education that would not rely exclusively on mass enrolment on expensive degree courses. Perhaps we need to re-centre public knowledge and provide public direct and open access to that knowledge. The alternative is to keep on the present course of both ‘expanding’ access while seeking to contain such access within campus walls.

Register for this and future events via Eventbrite here:



Academic College

An open seminar series on the topic of universities past, present and future