Weekly FAQ Digest: Part 2

Academy Token
Academy Token
Published in
2 min readOct 9, 2018

Since our launch last year, the Academy Token Telegram group has been a proverbial town square where accomplishments have been shared alongside criticisms. Your engagement in the progression of ACAD has been obvious and your questions have been heard. In this series, we’ll be answering some of the questions you’ve posed in the Telegram group each week.

This week, we’re addressing some of the concerns you’ve recently voiced.

I still haven’t received my ACAD tokens. What can I do?

We want everyone to have their tokens! Unfortunately, there are a number of reasons why you may have experienced a delay or complications related to token distribution including inaccurate wallet information, KYC compliance, timing, and so on. We are working with customers on a weekly basis who haven’t received their tokens due to not having passed KYC or having completed all of the steps inside the ACADEMY portal before our Token Generation Event.

If you haven’t received your tokens yet, please email tge@academytoken.com and we’ll get you squared away.

The website hasn’t been updated in a while.

It’s a major goal of ours to have an updated website for our community to visit where everyone can keep up with the latest Academy updates and get their questions answered promptly.

We are currently working with our team to determine what new information the new website will reflect. After this step is done, we will work with our design team before handing the site off to the programmers. Although we don’t have a hard date scheduled yet, we are looking to launch the new site in the new year. We will keep you updated via our weekly newsletter when the new site has launched!

Thank you to everyone who submitted their questions for this week’s Weekly FAQ Digest! To get your ACAD questions answered, join our Telegram group here.



Academy Token
Academy Token

First accredited school of blockchain development.