A Top 5 Soft Skill: Analytical Thinking and Mind Mapping as its Application Method

Dr. Fatih Hattatoglu
Academy Team
Published in
9 min readAug 22, 2023

Prominent thinkers and scientists in this field argue that analytical thinking is the most crucial systematic thinking of our age. So, what does analytical thinking mean? How can one think analytically, and can this type of thinking ability be acquired later in life?

Analytical thinking is the ability to analyze and understand a subject using a logical and systematic approach. This approach possesses a highly beneficial systematics for solving complex problems, making accurate decisions, evaluating different scenarios, and enhancing efficient thinking skills. In the IT field, this approach finds a parallel in what is termed “Computational Thinking” (CT). By definition, it is a methodology that allows us to address a complex problem, understand what the problem is, and develop algorithmic solutions. This method is predominantly used in software development processes. However, it can be applied not only to problems encountered in a computer environment but also to any problem faced in daily life. Recognized as one of the leading competencies of the 21st century, Computational Thinking consists of four main parts. The problem is broken down into pieces, these pieces are compared to previously encountered problems to find similar solutions, irrelevant information concerning the problem is eliminated, and steps are formulated to solve the problem, with the resulting solution being utilized in the most efficient manner. A complex problem is one that, at first glance, we do not know how to easily solve or understand. CT involves taking this complex problem and breaking it down into a series of smaller, more manageable problems (decomposition). The components of CT are named as follows:

1- Decomposition

2- Pattern Recognition

3- Abstraction

4- Algorithm

The main focus of this article will be on the concepts of analytical thinking and mind mapping. Therefore, we will address Computational Thinking, which is closely related to these topics, in a separate article.

Recruiters and many authorities have ranked “Analytical Thinking” among the top 5 most important soft skills of recent years and the near future. The concept of analytical thinking can be better understood within the following framework. An individual who acquires analytical thinking skills will approach all matters with this mindset, making them valuable and seen as having potential by all institutions. People with analytical thinking abilities are considered “solution-oriented thinkers.” The stages of analytical thinking are:

§ Logical Thinking: Analytical thinking is the ability to analyze a problem using a logical thought process. This approach follows a series of steps necessary to make a correct inference toward the solution of the problem.

§ Systematic Approach: Analytical thinking addresses a subject using a systematic approach. This method involves breaking a problem into parts, analyzing each part in detail, and ultimately combining all the pieces to reach a conclusion. This process is reminiscent of the stages of Computational Thinking.

§ Problem-Solving Skill: Analytical thinking enhances the ability to solve complex problems. This approach can be used to analyze a problem in detail, evaluate potential solutions, and choose the best option.

§ Decision-Making: Analytical thinking improves the ability to make correct decisions. This approach involves evaluating all aspects of a problem and analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of each option in detail.

§ Effective Thinking: Analytical thinking enhances efficient thinking skills. This approach involves organizing the necessary information for correct thinking, analyzing different scenarios, and ultimately reaching the right conclusion.

§ Strong Communication and Self-confidence: Analytical thinking fosters better communication skills and individual self-confidence. This approach facilitates organizing the information necessary to explain a subject, express it clearly, and understand the ideas of others. Since they know how to minimize the problems they encounter, they will not find an opportunity to grow in the face of any problem.

So, how can we most easily implement analytical thinking into our lives? While there are various suggestions (such as reading books, playing Sudoku, chess, etc.), in this article, we will address a different concept.

A concept that facilitates the application of analytical thinking and presents it as a method is the technique of “Mind Mapping.” Analytical thinking and mind mapping are complementary techniques. Mind mapping is a visualization tool used to analyze and organize different aspects of a topic or problem. As mentioned earlier, analytical thinking is a thought process used to systematically analyze a topic.

Mind mapping is a technique that assists in organizing your thoughts and ideas visually. It emulates the way the brain functions. The aim of mind mapping is to mimic the brain’s working style to enhance learning and thinking skills. Mind maps are structured to reflect how the brain naturally connects thoughts and ideas. Mind mapping is typically used to gather, organize, and recall thoughts about a topic or project. By essentially visualizing an event, you get a holistic view of the matter, possibly transforming a vast concept into a comprehensible summary. Such a summary will facilitate understanding and retention. Regarding mind mapping, I can recommend a book by Tony Buzan, which is one of the most widely read and applied books globally on this topic. Tony Buzan, as one of the pioneers of mind mapping techniques, has written numerous books on the subject. According to him, the following steps should be followed to create a mind map:

1. Determine the starting point: Define the subject of your mind map and organize your thoughts around this topic.

2. Write down the keywords: Think of the keywords related to your main topic and place these words in the center of your mind map.

3. Identify the main branches: Position your keywords around the perimeter of your mind map and write down the main branches related to each keyword.

4. Add related topics: Under the main branches, incorporate related topics and connect these topics to your main branches.

5. Use colors and shapes: To make your mind map more visual, you can use colored pens, shapes, or images.

6. Indicate connections: Use arrows, lines, or other symbols to show the connections between topics.

7. Summarize: At the end of your mind map, write down the key points or a summarizing explanation.

Buzan emphasizes the need for flexibility when mind mapping. This means you can continuously update, rearrange, and develop your mind map over time according to your needs. Mind mapping is a useful tool in the processes of learning, thinking, recalling, and being creative, and the method proposed by Buzan aids in making these processes more efficient.

Mind mapping acts almost like a tool that facilitates and enhances analytical thinking. Moreover, this mapping method is not only applicable in the academic field but can be used in all areas of life, providing significant benefits. You might even design your holiday plans using this concept.

Let’s share some suggestions in bullet points on how to apply analytical thinking using the mind mapping method:

§ Define the Topic: Before initiating the analytical thinking and mind mapping process, it’s crucial to define the subject. Provide a starting point by determining what the topic is and the issue you’ll be analyzing.

§ Identify Key Concepts: To integrate the analytical thinking process with mind mapping, pinpoint the key concepts of the topic. These concepts are the foundational information you’ll use to organize the subject.

§ Construct the Mind Map: Using the key concepts, create the mind map. In this map, you can analyze the different aspects of the topic in detail. The map can include various subheadings, main ideas, and subtopics.

§ Analyze the Causes and Consequences of the Issue: Utilizing the mind map, analyze the causes and outcomes of the problem. This can allow you to view the origins of the issue from different perspectives.

§ Evaluate Potential Solutions: The mind map is a useful tool for understanding the various facets of a problem. After analyzing these facets, use the map to evaluate potential solutions. At this stage, the analytical thinking process comes into play, allowing you to assess the advantages and disadvantages of each solution to select the best option.

§ Visualize the Results: Use mind mapping again to visualize the results obtained from the analytical thinking process. This offers a tangible representation of the results, facilitating better comprehension.

While addressing analytical thinking in the aforementioned context, let’s also touch upon a concept frequently used in the USA - Europe and often confused with analytical thinking: “Critical Thinking.”

Analytical thinking and critical thinking, while having similar aspects, are not the same. Both require systematic thinking, understanding problems, clear expression, and evaluating outcomes. Analytical thinking necessitates a detailed analysis by breaking a whole into smaller parts. It involves dissecting a problem by considering data, information, and ideas, analyzing each part, and combining these parts to fully understand the issue. Analytical thinking allows for conclusions based on data, facts, and logic when analyzing a problem.

Critical thinking, on the other hand, involves critically addressing a problem, adopting diverse perspectives, questioning ideas, and striving to choose what’s right. Critical thinking enables the evaluation of the validity and invalidity of arguments, distinguishing between right and wrong ideas, analyzing opinions, and arriving at a logical conclusion.

In summary, while analytical thinking involves dissecting a problem into smaller parts for a detailed analysis, critical thinking requires critically addressing a problem, adopting diverse perspectives, and striving to choose the correct solution. Both are used for different purposes and can be perceived as similar concepts.

Let’s exemplify how we can solve a problem encountered in the field of data analysis and visualization using the analytical thinking method. In many steps here, the mind mapping method can be easily employed to take a holistic view of the situation.

1. Problem Definition: As a first step, define the problem you’re facing. For instance, assume you wish to analyze a decline in a company’s sales figures.

2. Identifying Key Concepts: As a second step, determine the key concepts. For example, you can identify key concepts like sales figures, time intervals, product categories, and customer profiles.

3. Data Collection and Analysis: Conduct data collection and analysis. The data collection process might encompass data obtained from various sources. You can use different analysis methods to analyze the data. For instance, methods like regression analysis, t-tests, variance analysis, and correlation analysis can be employed.

4. Visualization: Visualize the data. Visualization is one of the best ways to make the obtained data more comprehensible. Use visual elements like graphs, tables, and charts to represent the data.

5. Analyzing Causes and Consequences: Using the results from data analysis, analyze the causes and consequences of the problem. For instance, reasons for the decline in sales figures could be weaknesses in product categories or changes in customer profiles.

6. Evaluating Potential Solutions: After identifying the causes of the problem, evaluate potential solutions. For example, you can update the product portfolio to address weaknesses in product categories.

7. Implementing Results: After analyzing potential solutions, implement the feasible ones.

By following these steps, you can solve problems you encounter in the field of data analysis and visualization using the analytical thinking method and mind mapping technique. This method can assist in addressing problems more systematically and producing more effective solutions.

In this article, we discussed analytical thinking, which is one of the most important thinking modes of our age, and the mind mapping method that facilitates its application.

