Unlocking Generative AI: Impressions from Andrew Ng’s ‘Generative AI for Everyone’ Course by DeepLearning.AI

Muslum Yildiz
Academy Team
Published in
14 min readNov 12, 2023
This image is sourced from the content of the mentioned course

Generative AI has gained widespread popularity for its ability to produce human-like content across various mediums. The introduction of generative adversarial networks (GANs) in 2014 marked a significant milestone, allowing for the creation of convincingly authentic images, videos, and audio mimicking real people.

Generative AI is positioned as a powerful tool set to democratize access to the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI) and holds the potential to evolve into a “general-purpose technology,” laying the groundwork for artificial general intelligence (AGI) capable of performing any human task.

In October 2023, DeepLearning.AI, spearheaded by Andrew Ng, offered a comprehensive six-hour course titled “Generative AI for Everyone.” As an educational initiative, DeepLearning.AI, founded by Andrew Ng, has played a pivotal role in advancing AI education, offering numerous courses on platforms like Coursera, and contributing to the development of prominent AI libraries such as TensorFlow and Keras. The course, guided by Andrew Ng’s adept teaching style, aims to make generative AI accessible to both technical and non-technical audiences. It covers fundamental aspects such as the definition and workings of generative AI, common use cases, and limitations.

The course further delves into the lifecycle of a generative AI project, offering insights from conception to launch and emphasizing effective prompt engineering. Additionally, it explores the potential opportunities and risks associated with generative AI technologies for individuals, businesses, and society at large. The acquired skills from the course span Generative AI, AI strategy, large language models, Generative AI tools, and AI productivity.

This image was created by me using SketchWow.

The course comprises three modules and is instructed by Andrew Ng, a prominent figure in the field. Titled “Generative AI for Everyone,” it offers a unique perspective on harnessing generative AI for personal and professional empowerment. The modules include hands-on exercises, tips on prompt engineering, and guidance on advanced AI applications.

This image was created using prompts related to the subject with DALL-E, using prompts generated by me.

The course’s content organization is highly praised, with Prof. Andrew Ng effectively outlining the pros and cons of Generative AI and dispelling prevalent myths propagated by the media. The curriculum also shares processes for leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs) in organizational settings, potential use cases, and strategies for fine-tuning LLMs to enhance accuracy in application scenarios.

Participants commend the course for its exceptional quality, providing inspiration, insightful content, and practical applications. The engaging material, presented with clarity and immediate relevance, has garnered high recommendations.

This image is sourced from the content of the mentioned course

In conclusion, a heartfelt thank you is extended to Andrew Ng and the entire team for their outstanding contribution to advancing AI education and fostering accessibility in this transformative field. “Generative AI for Everyone” stands as a valuable resource, ensuring individuals from diverse backgrounds actively participate in shaping our AI-powered future.

I will endeavor to provide a comprehensive summary encapsulating the breadth of topics expertly covered by Andrew Ng throughout the duration of this course in this paper.

This image was created using prompts related to the subject with DALL-E, using prompts generated by me.

What is AI and key components of AI?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) encompasses a diverse set of tools and methodologies, each designed to perform specific tasks and address various challenges in the realm of machine learning and problem-solving. Let’s delve into the key components of AI, which include Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning, Reinforcement Learning, and Generative AI.

This graphic is obtained from the content of the mentioned course

Supervised Learning:

Supervised learning is a foundational concept in AI, focusing on the process of labeling data. In this approach, the algorithm is trained on a dataset containing input-output pairs, and the goal is for the model to learn the mapping function that accurately predicts the output based on given inputs. This form of learning is akin to a teacher supervising the learning process by providing labeled examples for the algorithm to generalize and make predictions.

Unsupervised Learning:

Unsupervised learning, on the other hand, deals with unlabeled data. The algorithm explores the inherent patterns and structures within the data without explicit guidance. Clustering and dimensionality reduction are common techniques in unsupervised learning. It’s like the algorithm is tasked with finding its way through uncharted territory, identifying relationships and patterns without the aid of predefined labels.

Reinforcement Learning:

Reinforcement learning takes inspiration from how humans learn from trial and error. In this paradigm, an agent interacts with an environment, making decisions and receiving feedback in the form of rewards or penalties. The goal is for the agent to learn the optimal sequence of actions that maximizes cumulative rewards over time. Reinforcement learning is like training a pet, where positive behaviors are reinforced, and negative behaviors are discouraged through consequences.

Generative AI:

Generative AI represents a fascinating domain in artificial intelligence. Unlike other types of AI that focus on specific tasks, generative AI is designed to create, generate, or produce new content. This could range from generating text, images, or even music. It involves training models to understand the underlying patterns and structures in the data, enabling them to produce novel, creative outputs. Generative AI is like an artist or storyteller, creating something entirely new based on learned patterns.

Understanding these pillars of AI provides a foundation for leveraging the power of machine learning to solve complex problems, automate tasks, and even contribute to creative endeavors. As AI continues to advance, these tools evolve, offering innovative solutions and pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the realm of artificial intelligence.

This image was created using prompts related to the subject with DALL-E, using prompts generated by me.

What is Generative AI?

Generative AI for Everyone” is a course led by Andrew Ng, inviting participants to explore the transformative landscape of generative AI. The technology, highlighted by the release of ChatGPT, is acknowledged for its disruptive influence on learning and work dynamics, with potential contributions to global economic growth. The course covers varied perspectives on generative AI’s impact, from productivity gains to concerns about job loss. Examples like ChatGPT, Google’s Bard, and Microsoft’s Bing Chat illustrate the broad scope of generative AI, spanning text, images, and audio.

Andrew Ng mentions that Generative AI, notably OpenAI’s ChatGPT, entered the mainstream spotlight around November 2022. According to him, projections suggest an annual economic contribution of $2.6 to $4.4 trillion. Goldman Sachs, as outlined by Ng, anticipates a potential 7% increase in global GDP over the next decade. He also refers to a study by OpenAI and UPenn estimating its impact on 10% of daily tasks for over 80% of U.S. workers, creating a dual sentiment of hopes for enhanced productivity and concerns about job loss due to automation.

The course delves into the fundamental workings of generative AI, focusing on models like ChatGPT and Bard. Supervised learning is introduced as a foundation, with large language models (LLMs) operating on this principle. LLMs, like ChatGPT, predict the next word in a sequence based on vast datasets. The course emphasizes practical applications, showcasing how LLMs aid in writing, information retrieval, and more.

Web interfaces for LLMs, such as ChatGPT, offer novel ways for users to utilize AI tools. The course explores incorporating LLM applications into daily routines, from information retrieval to creative endeavors. While LLMs can be valuable thought partners, caution is advised, as they may generate inaccurate information. The course concludes by highlighting scenarios where web searches may be more reliable than LLMs.

Upcoming content promises a deeper dive into LLM examples, strengths, weaknesses, and best practices. Generative AI, as a general-purpose technology, poses challenges in defining specific use cases, unlike more specific technologies. LLMs excel in writing, reading, and chatting tasks, offering creative input and assistance in information retrieval. The course distinguishes between web interface and software-based LLM applications, emphasizing their significance in various professional settings. Subsequent sections will explore specific examples within each category, demonstrating the practical applicability of generative AI.

Generative AI Applications:

Andrew Ng discusses three key tasks enabled by large language models (LLMs): writing, reading, and chatting.

In writing, LLMs excel in tasks such as brainstorming, press release writing, and translation, emphasizing the importance of refining prompts iteratively. Reading tasks involve proofreading, summarization, and applications like customer service analysis. In the realm of chatting, Ng explores the spectrum of design points in customer service, advocating for a “human in the loop” approach.

This image was created using prompts related to the subject with DALL-E, using prompts generated by me.

Limitations of LLMs:

Andrew Ng delves into the capabilities and limitations of LLMs, introducing a mental model based on tasks a fresh college graduate can perform with prompt instructions. Key limitations include knowledge cutoffs, hallucinations, input/output length constraints, handling structured data challenges, and potential biases in output. Ng stresses the need to understand these limitations to navigate potential pitfalls.

Tips for Prompting LLMs:

Ng shares three main tips for effective prompting: be detailed and specific, guide the model’s thinking process with step-by-step instructions, and experiment and iterate. The iterative process involves refining prompts based on model responses. Ng cautions against overthinking initial prompts, encourages experimentation, and highlights the importance of verification before acting on LLM output.

This image was created using prompts related to the subject with DALL-E, using prompts generated by me.

Image Generation through Diffusion Models:

Andrew Ng explains image generation using diffusion models, emphasizing supervised learning at its core. The process involves training on noisy images, gradually reducing noise to generate cleaner versions. Application includes adding text prompts for controlled image generation. Ng illustrates the steps of text-prompted image generation and underscores the role of supervised learning in the effectiveness of diffusion models.

Software Applications

Andrew Ng discusses the progress of generative AI, emphasizing its widespread application in various software projects. He showcases the transformation of tasks such as sentiment analysis in restaurant reviews, comparing the traditional, time-consuming method with the swift and efficient approach enabled by prompt-based development. The simplified process, requiring minimal code, has significantly reduced the barrier to entry for building AI applications, allowing millions of individuals globally to create in a matter of days or weeks what once took expert teams months. Despite the remarkable progress, Ng acknowledges the importance of understanding that generative AI excels in unstructured data, such as text, images, and audio. In an optional video, he invites viewers to experiment with code for reading restaurant reviews and classifying sentiment, highlighting the accessibility of AI development even for those new to coding.

This image was created using prompts related to the subject with DALL-E, using prompts generated by me.

Andrew Ng presents an optional exercise on the deep learning. AI platform, allowing viewers to try out some code related to generative AI. He guides users on the platform’s interface, explaining the codes..

Andrew Ng explains the lifecycle of building a generative AI software application. The process begins with scoping the project, followed by the implementation of a quick prototype. The prototype undergoes internal evaluation, where errors and improvements are identified. The iterative nature of building generative AI involves deploying the system, monitoring its performance, and addressing external user-generated mistakes. Ng emphasizes the empirical and experimental nature of this process, comparing it to the iterative approach of refining prompts.

Additionally, he introduces tools such as RAG (retrieval-augmented generation), fine-tuning, and pretraining models for improving system performance. Ng provides examples, including building a restaurant reputation (review) monitoring system and a chatbot for food orders, illustrating how mistakes lead to system enhancements. He encourages creativity in developing generative AI projects and addresses concerns about the cost of using large language models, assuring that it is more affordable than perceived.

This image was created using prompts related to the subject with DALL-E, using prompts generated by me.

Andrew Ng provides examples to build intuition about the cost of using large language models (LMs) in software applications. Different LMs, such as OpenAI/GPT3.5, GPT4, Google’s PaLM 2, and Amazon’s Titan Lite, have varying costs per 1,000 tokens. Tokens, loosely equivalent to words or subparts of words, are the units LMs process. Ng explains that a token is approximately 3/4 of a word, and the cost of output tokens is a crucial consideration.

To estimate costs, Ng uses an example of generating text for a team, assuming the prompt’s length is comparable to the output. Considering a typical adult reading speed of 250 words per minute, Ng calculates the cost of generating 30,000 words (including prompts) for an hour. If the cost is 0.002 cents per 1,000 tokens, the total cost for 40,000 tokens is eight cents. Ng emphasizes that this cost seems reasonably inexpensive, especially when considering potential productivity gains.

Ng acknowledges that the calculation involves crude assumptions but asserts its adequacy for building intuition. He highlights that, for many applications, using an LM is more affordable than perceived.

Advanced Technologies: Beyond prompting

Andrew Ng explores advanced strategies for enhancing large language models (LLMs) in this section. The exploration encompasses a spectrum of techniques, ranging from Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) and fine-tuning to practical considerations for pretraining, selecting appropriate LLMs, and cutting-edge developments like tool usage and agents.

This image was created using prompts related to the subject with DALL-E, using prompts generated by me.

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG):

Ng elucidates RAG as a three-step process, initiating with information retrieval from documents, followed by incorporating the obtained text into an updated prompt, ultimately prompting the LLM with enriched context. Through an illustrative example concerning employee parking, Ng showcases how RAG transforms LLMs into more context-aware and informed responders.


Fine-tuning emerges as a versatile technique for modifying pre-trained LLMs, allowing for tailored adjustments in style or absorption of domain-specific knowledge. Ng provides insight into its applications, emphasizing its efficacy in scenarios where specific writing styles or domain knowledge is paramount. The technique proves valuable in tasks such as mimicking writing styles, summarizing customer service calls, and optimizing smaller LLMs for cost-effective operations.

Practical Considerations for Pretraining:

Ng addresses the challenges and substantial costs associated with pretraining LLMs from scratch. He underscores the importance of open-sourcing models, particularly in highly specialized domains. Additionally, Ng positions fine-tuning as a more pragmatic alternative, especially in scenarios where resources and data are constrained.

This image was created using prompts related to the subject with DALL-E, using prompts generated by me.

Choosing Language Models:

Ng offers practical guidelines for selecting LLMs based on their parameter size, ranging from 1 billion to 100 billion+. He emphasizes the empirical and experimental nature of LLM development, advocating for testing different models and choosing based on application-specific performance criteria. He also delves into considerations regarding open-source versus closed-source models, highlighting trade-offs related to accessibility and data privacy.

Cutting-Edge Developments: Tool Usage and Agents:

Ng introduces the cutting-edge concepts of LLMs utilizing tools for actions beyond text generation and acting as autonomous agents capable of deciding complex sequences of actions independently. He concludes with a cautious note on the nascent nature of agent technology, acknowledging promising demos while advising prudence in real-world deployments.

In conclusion, Ng’s presentation provides an expansive exploration of advanced techniques in the realm of LLMs, offering valuable insights into their application across various domains. The combination of RAG, fine-tuning, practical considerations, and cutting-edge developments paints a nuanced picture of the evolving landscape of language models and their multifaceted impact.

Generative AI and Business

Andrew Ng explores the integration of generative AI into daily work, emphasizing its versatility as a writing assistant. He shares personal experiences and examples of its application across various job roles. Ng introduces a framework for task analysis, focusing on technical feasibility and business value. He recommends experimenting with online databases like Onet for task evaluation. Ng highlights the systematic analysis of tasks within job roles, challenging the common tendency to focus on iconic tasks. He explores examples from computer programming, law, and landscaping, showcasing how generative AI’s potential may not align with initial instincts. Ng encourages businesses to seek growth opportunities beyond cost savings, rethinking workflows for revenue growth.

This image was created using prompts related to the subject with DALL-E, using prompts generated by me.

Ng discusses hypothetical examples of generative AI impacting surgical, legal, and marketing workflows, emphasizing changes in efficiency and workflow. He introduces a framework for re-engineering workflows after incorporating generative AI. Ng emphasizes the potential for revenue growth beyond cost savings, showcasing the strategic use of generative AI for A/B testing in marketing. He highlights the transformative impact on tasks within job roles. Ng urges viewers to consider customer tasks for generative AI application ideas, suggesting a valuable framework for analysis. The presentation concludes with encouragement to explore building custom software applications for generative AI, emphasizing its efficiency.

Andrew Ng discusses best practices and team structures for building generative AI applications. Key roles include software engineers, machine learning engineers, and product managers. Ng dispels the hype around dedicated prompt engineer roles, highlighting that companies generally rely on machine learning engineers with knowledge of LLMs and prompting. He encourages experimentation with small teams and explores common configurations for two-person teams. Additional roles in larger teams include data engineers, data scientists, project managers, and machine learning researchers. Generative AI has lowered barriers to application development, enabling teams to prototype and experiment efficiently.

Ng examines the impact of generative AI on job roles and industry sectors based on studies from OpenAI, the University of Pennsylvania, and McKinsey. Higher-wage occupations are now more exposed to automation with generative AI. McKinsey’s analysis shows significant impacts on customer operations, sales, and other functions. Generative AI also expands automation potential in various industry sectors. Ng highlights the common trend of impacting knowledge workers.

Generative AI and Society

Andrew Ng addresses various concerns related to generative AI, covering biases, job displacement, and fears of AI’s potential harm. He acknowledges biases in AI models and introduces techniques like fine-tuning to mitigate them. Ng emphasizes that AI is more likely to augment than replace human roles, using radiology as an example. The concept of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is discussed, with Ng expressing optimism but cautioning against optimistic forecasts that redefine AGI. Responsible AI principles, such as fairness and transparency, are outlined, and Ng encourages open discussions and diverse perspectives.

This image was created using prompts related to the subject with DALL-E, using prompts generated by me.

The course explores responsible AI development, including the importance of ethical considerations. Ng emphasizes building a culture of debate, brainstorming potential challenges, and involving diverse teams. The course covers diverse dimensions, including fairness, transparency, privacy, security, and ethical use. Ng recommends considering ethical implications when choosing projects.

As the course concludes, Ng recaps major topics, from understanding generative AI to building projects and exploring societal implications. He congratulates learners, encourages sharing knowledge, and introduces the idea of AI democratizing access to intelligence. Ng compares AI’s current fears to historical fears of electricity, expressing optimism about AI’s positive impact. He concludes by thanking learners and urging responsible AI use for building a better, more intelligent world.

This image was created using prompts related to the subject with DALL-E, using prompts generated by me.

Note: The captivating visuals accompanying the preceding text were exclusively created through the innovative prowess of DALL-E and SketchWow, using prompts provided by me, shining a spotlight on the transformative capabilities of generative AI. This article’s content stands as a testament to the remarkable possibilities unlocked by artificial intelligence in the realm of generative AI.

The amalgamation of cutting-edge technologies has not only elevated the visual appeal of the content but also exemplifies the remarkable strides made in the field of AI. The ability to generate diverse and realistic visuals, as demonstrated by DALL-E, showcases the potential of AI algorithms in fostering creativity and pushing the boundaries of what was once deemed possible.

To create this content, the capabilities of generative AI were leveraged with platforms such as Chat GPT, DALL-E, for summarization and content creation. The choice to use generative ai in this work is an example of embracing this technology and exploring new possibilities. It provides an engaging visual experience and highlights the transformative impact of AI in content creation.

For those keen on delving deeper into the realm of generative AI and unlocking its full potential, I invite you to join Andrew Ng’s comprehensive course. By enrolling through the following link, you can embark on a journey of discovery and mastery in the fascinating world of Generative AI for Everyone:

Generative AI for Everyone Course

Don’t miss the chance to be part of a community dedicated to understanding, exploring, and harnessing the power of generative AI. The future of creativity and innovation awaits — join this exciting venture!

