4 benefits of a GenM Digital Marketing Apprenticeship

1. How long does it take you to get to your computer?

That’s your commute time! GenM apprenticeships are remote so you can get them done wherever you have a good internet connection. You can even get some work done while traveling, #digitalnomad life!

2. Yes, we know you’re busy

A GenM apprenticeship is a great add-on to your full-time job or school as it is only 5 to 10 hours a week for 3 months. We’re aware that you have to support yourself, so we wouldn’t dare offer you a full-time unpaid position. Some of our apprentices were able to get a career boost at their current job, so we made it flexible and short-term to give you enough experience while keeping your full-time obligations. Can you fit in 2 hours before or after work for a possible promotion or career advancement?

3. If you’re a go-getter, go get ‘em!

You can complete multiple apprenticeships in the same amount of time it would take you to get experience from a single internship. Let’s say an internship is 40 hours a week; you can do 4 or more apprenticeships in this amount of time. This would help you get experience in different industries, teach you how to build relationships with various business owners, and builds your resumé and portfolio at a much quicker rate!

4. We value the feedback of our apprentices

Our apprentices are the reason why we have such a successful platform. We’re always looking to better our platform and highly value your feedback — so please be vocal with us! If there’s something that could be done better — let us know. If we made a spelling mistake on our lessons, we’re only human. I happened to read somewhere on the internet that “interns voices have gone unheard for so long” until this #payyourinterns campaign got started. At GenM, we think you’re the voice of the future as interns, apprentices, students, or what you prefer to be called.

How’s your experience on GenM? Comment below for a chance to win a call with one of our co-founders!

