Acadium Student Success: How Alcy is Planning a Life-Changing 2020 for Herself and Other Solopreneurs

Alcy Dizon was working as an online tutor through Skype, but she wanted to shift careers and do something different. By chance, she came across Acadium and tried out an apprenticeship. Now, she’s starting her own business that’ll help online solopreneurs attain success.

We asked Alcy about her apprenticeships and what she wanted to do with her business. Luckily, she shared her story with us. Read about her inspirational journey from tutor to entrepreneur right here.

Hi Alcy! Can you tell us why you wanted to do a digital marketing apprenticeship?

I’m a full-time housewife and have been teaching English through Skype for almost 8 years now. Because I wanted to look for other opportunities where I can grow professionally, I tried offering to manage a Facebook page for a publishing company.

I had zero knowledge, so I had to learn and study content planning and creation, and copywriting. Fortunately, I found and joined an online community where Acadium was featured.

The experience showed me that online digital marketing can be a huge opportunity, especially for full-time housewives. As long as you put in the effort, appreciate what you are learning, and just be clear about your intentions when working with business owners, it can work.

Who did you apprentice with and what skills did you gain?

I’m currently doing my 2nd apprenticeship for Sheina Schochet, LMHC, founder of Thrive and Shine Wellness.

I completed my apprenticeship with Georgiana Kovell — International Sales Expert, Marketing Strategist, and Founder of Millions of Women Strong. I now work for her as her executive assistant.

From my apprenticeships, I’ve learned more about graphic design, marketing automation, content marketing, SEO, and email marketing. I’ve also gained experience in social media, market research, brand creation, and lead generation.

How much experience did you have before your apprenticeship and what were your key takeaways after you completed it?

I had zero formal experience with digital marketing, and I’ve always held the misconception that it was complicated. :)

After my apprenticeships, I can say that my skills have improved greatly. But apart from learning technical skills and the basics of digital marketing, I appreciated very much how I was able to improve my character as a person and as a professional through my apprenticeships.

There were several instances where I was questioning my abilities and asking myself if this is what I really wanted to do.

But because my mentor was really kind and very patient with me, I started feeling responsible for her success, as well.

At the end of the day, I believe developing your soft skills and building relationships are vital when working in a remote setting. This can either make or break you as a professional and can even direct the success of your business.

Can you share your top tips for Acadium students who want to secure an apprenticeship?

1. Clarify your intentions.

It will reflect the quality of work that you’ll be putting into.

2. Be yourself.

Mentors will appreciate your sincerity.

3. Just go for it!

You’ll never know what you can become.

What are your favorite marketing tools?

I love Google Apps for collaboration and productivity. For design, I enjoy using Canva, and I fell in love with Trello for organization and tracking deadlines.

I’m currently learning more about ActiveCampaign, Kajabi, Facebook page management, Instagram for business, and more!

What is your dream job?

I really like what I’m currently doing, and I have faith that it will serve people and business owners who want to make an impact on others. I’m very grateful that Acadium gave me this opportunity.

What’s next for you?

I’m currently building my business as a Creative Marketing Consultant for solopreneurs.

I never imagined myself doing this, but because of my experience with Acadium, I have the confidence to understand what services I can provide, especially for someone who runs their business alone and is ultimately responsible for its success or failure.

2020 is approaching, and I’m really excited to continue learning digital marketing to better understand what soloprenuers need for their businesses. I have started planning, mapping and, setting goals for the coming year and I look forward to where this experience will lead me.

If you’re ready to start building your dreams and making them happen, Acadium can help! Sign up at or download the app for iPhone and Android and start searching for an apprenticeship today!



Sydney Arin Go
Acadium Digital Marketing Apprenticeships

Content marketing manager @ Animalz ✍️ Which means I write things that sometimes make sense.