Explore Acala: Part Three — Open Source Tools

Travis Wilkerson
Published in
4 min readJun 6, 2024

Welcome to the final segment of our “Explore Acala” editorial series. In this concluding part, we will delve into the open-source tools that enhance the functionality and versatility of the Acala Network and Polkadot in general. We will cover ORML, Subway, Chopsticks, Sentinel, and Acala EVM+.

ORML (Open Runtime Module Library)

ORML was initiated in late 2019 by the co-founders of Acala to address common challenges within the blockchain ecosystem. This versatile library features a range of modules designed not just for Acala but for the broader Polkadot and Kusama communities. Here’s what ORML offers:

  • Modular Design: ORML consists of various modules that can be easily integrated into different blockchain projects, promoting a spirit of collaboration and technological advancement.
  • Broad Adoption: ORML has been extensively adopted across various teams within the Polkadot and Kusama ecosystems, highlighting its reliability and utility.
  • Commitment to Open-Source Ideals: ORML represents a significant commitment to shared infrastructure and open-source principles, furthering development across the entire ecosystem.

ORML is a testament to Acala’s dedication to building a robust and collaborative blockchain community. Visit the ORML repository.


Subway acts as a high-performance JSON RPC API Gateway, specifically designed to address the limitations of Substrate in handling large-scale public API services. Officially introduced in February 2023, Subway enhances the scalability of RPC servers. Key features include:

  • Load Balancing: Subway optimizes performance by distributing workloads evenly across servers.
  • Response Caching: It reduces latency and improves efficiency by caching responses.
  • Rate Limiting: Subway mitigates the risk of DOS attacks by implementing rate limiting.
  • Cost Efficiency: By optimizing resource usage, Subway ensures cost-efficient scaling of RPC nodes.

Subway is an essential tool for anyone looking to robustly scale their RPC nodes without excessive overhead, making it a crucial component for developers and network operators. Visit the Subway repository.


Chopsticks offers a private blockchain environment tailored for experimentation and testing within the Polkadot ecosystem. It mirrors the functionality provided by Ethereum’s mainnet forking tools. Here’s what Chopsticks provides:

  • Safe Testing Environment: Allows developers and users to simulate and understand the nuances of Substrate-based networks without the risks associated with live environments.
  • Versatility: Suitable for a wide range of stakeholders, from parachain teams to Polkadot Core Fellowship members.
  • Local Development Network: Facilitates thorough testing and development, boosting technical prowess and user safety.

Chopsticks is a crucial tool for anyone involved in the Polkadot ecosystem, offering a safe and efficient environment for blockchain development and testing. Visit the Chopsticks repository.


Sentinel is designed to enhance the security and functionality of cross-chain operations. Starting with the orml-rate-limit pallet, Sentinel provides a foundation for robust security frameworks. Key features include:

  • Nuanced Security Measures: Allows parachain governance to implement detailed security protocols.
  • Integration with Essential Pallets: Works seamlessly with other critical pallets like orml-xtokens to safeguard transactions and mitigate vulnerabilities.
  • Scalability: Designed to expand with additional modules to address evolving security challenges, balancing security with user experience.

Sentinel is a scalable solution aimed at bolstering security across the blockchain ecosystem, ensuring that cross-chain operations are safe and reliable. Find the rate limiting feature within the ORML repository.

Acala EVM+: Enhancing Smart Contract Capabilities

Acala EVM+ is an impressive platform that merges the capabilities of Ethereum’s Virtual Machine (EVM) with the advanced features of the Substrate framework. Here’s what makes Acala EVM+ stand out:

  • Ethereum Compatibility: Deploy Ethereum-compatible smart contracts on the Acala Network, making it easier for developers familiar with Ethereum to build on Acala.
  • Enhanced Functionality: Leverage advanced features of the Substrate framework for more robust and flexible smart contracts, providing greater functionality and control.
  • Interoperability: Seamlessly integrate Ethereum and Substrate-based applications, enabling cross-chain functionality and expanding the potential use cases.
  • Shared Security: Benefit from the shared security of the Polkadot network, enhancing the security and reliability of your applications.
  • Cross-Chain Composability: Take advantage of cross-chain composability to expand the reach and capabilities of your decentralized applications, making them more versatile and powerful.

Acala EVM+ provides developers with powerful tools to create highly efficient, scalable, and secure decentralized applications, bridging the gap between Ethereum and Polkadot ecosystems. Visit the Acala EVM Docs or Simple EVM+ Tutorial.


In this final part of the “Explore Acala” series, we’ve explored the open-source tools that enrich the Acala Network and its community. From ORML’s modular design to Subway’s scalable API gateway, Chopsticks’ safe testing environment, Sentinel’s robust security measures, and Acala EVM+’s enhanced smart contract capabilities, these tools collectively enhance the functionality and versatility of the Acala Network.

Thank you for joining us on this journey through the Acala ecosystem. We hope this series has provided valuable insights and inspiration for developers, users, and the broader blockchain community.

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