Explore Acala: Part Two — Native Applications on Acala

Travis Wilkerson
Published in
4 min readMay 28, 2024


Welcome to part two of the editorial series titled “Explore Acala”. In this segment we will explore the various applications available on the Acala Network, providing you with insights on how to leverage these tools to enhance your DeFi experience. We will cover Euphrates, Acala Pulse and the Acala Lottery.

Euphrates: Boosted Staking Platform

Euphrates is Acala’s innovative boosted staking platform built on Acala EVM+. It is designed to streamline and optimize liquidity provision across various pools, making the process more efficient and rewarding for users.

Here are the key features of Euphrates:

  • One-Click Liquidity Provision: Euphrates simplifies the process of supplying liquidity to various pools with just one click, saving you any difficulty or effort.
  • Token Rewards: Users are rewarded in ACA tokens and often other incentives in addition to the standard pool rewards for using Euphrates, providing an extra incentive to participate.
  • Wallet binding between EVM and Substrate can be done directly on the platform as well as searching for your Unified Account pairing.
  • Crowdloan DOT wallet searcher is also available to verify if a wallet has taken part in any DOT crowdloan in the past.

Current Pools

DOT or LCDOT Pools

  • LDOT Pool: Stake your DOT or LDOT into Acala’s Liquid Staking Protocol, converting it into LDOT. LDOT offers a straightforward way to earn staking rewards while maintaining liquidity.
  • TDOT Pool: Stake your DOT or LDOT into Taiga’s synthetic asset protocol, converting it into tDOT. This synthetic token represents a combination of DOT staking rewards and trading fees from the LDOT and DOT pair.

LDOT Pools:

  • StellaSwap LP Pool: Provide LDOT and DOT as liquidity on the StellaSwap platform, enhancing your earning potential through liquidity provision.

Future Pools

Stablecoin Pool:

  • 3-USD Pool: A stablecoin pool composed of the most used stablecoins in the ecosystem, offering additional opportunities for users to earn rewards for providing liquidity.

Solana & Ethereum LST Pools

  • Popular high quality LSTs from other ecosystems that are bridged onto Acala through Wormhole; allowing for single-sided pools and LST token pair options.

Euphrates enhances your staking and liquidity provision experience, making it easier and more rewarding to participate with your favorite cryptocurrencies in the Acala ecosystem.

Acala Pulse

Acala Pulse is the go-to analytics page for real-time data on the Acala Network. It provides a wealth of information that helps users stay informed and make data-driven decisions. Key features include:

  • Total Value Locked (TVL): Monitor the total value locked across various protocols on the Acala Network, giving you insight into the overall activity and health of the ecosystem.
  • Token Volume: Track the trading volumes of different tokens and token pools, helping you to identify trends and make informed trading decisions.
  • Liquid Staking Information: Get up-to-date details on the LDOT exchange rate and other liquid staking metrics, allowing you to monitor the performance of your staked assets.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Navigate through different sections easily to find the information you need, ensuring a smooth and efficient user experience.

Acala Pulse serves as a vital resource for anyone involved in the Acala ecosystem, providing transparency and insight into the network’s performance and activities.

Acala Lottery

The Acala Lottery is a unique reward system currently available exclusively to Acala Ambassadors. This innovative feature adds an element of excitement and engagement to the Acala community. Here’s how it works:

  • Eligibility: Only Acala Ambassadors can participate in the lottery, making it an exclusive reward system for dedicated community members.
  • Acala Points (AP): Ambassadors earn Acala Points (AP) through various contributions to the Acala ecosystem, such as promoting the platform or assisting in community events.
  • Lottery Mechanism: Ambassadors can burn 10 AP to enter the lottery, with the chance to win between 10 to 500 ACA tokens. This system provides a fun and engaging way to reward active participants.

The Acala Lottery is a unique way for Ambassadors to earn additional rewards for their contributions, fostering a more active and involved community.


In this part of the “Explore Acala” series, we’ve highlighted the key applications available on the Acala Network, from the Euphrates boosted staking platform to the informative Acala Pulse and the exclusive Acala Lottery. These applications not only enhance your DeFi activities but also open up new possibilities for users within the Acala ecosystem. The best part is that it does not end here, more native and external applications are in the pipeline to further improve your DeFi experience on Acala.

Stay tuned for the next instalment of “Explore Acala,” where we will explore the external open-source tools that further enrich the Acala Network and its community.

