Polkadot DeFi Day

Bette Chen
Published in
2 min readJun 5, 2020

Acala Network

A Polkadot decentralized finance (DeFi) community conference hosted by Acala and Polkadot will be held virtually on June 18 2020.

We welcome developers and crypto enthusiasts to the inaugural PolkaDeFi Day. The one-day gathering is focused on showcasing teams building and collaborating on decentralized cross-chain finance applications, protocols and infrastructures.

Polkadot, a sharded blockchain protocol, provides peer-to-peer applications, organizations, businesses, economies — entire digital societies — the agency required to “form, grow, govern themselves and interact without the need for the centralized institutions that we are forced to place our trust in today” as said in Polkadot’s launch post.

The builders on the ground like ourselves can see these bold visions coming to life with the trust and technical primitives being built and rolled out. We hope to share these marvels and possibilities with all DeFi developers, digital asset holders and enthusiasts. We firmly believe in the technical and economic advantages latent within such financial primitives which include available cross-chain assets e.g. bitcoin, stablecoins, decentralized exchanges and synthetic assets for building on top of Polkadot and Substrate-based blockchains.

There are three one-hour sessions, featuring Acala, a cross-chain stablecoin and finance DApp platform, Centrifuge, a decentralized asset financing platform, ChainX, a Bitcoin smart contract platform, Chainlink, an oracle service provider for any blockchain, Laminar, a synthetic asset and margin trading platform, Plasm Network, a layer 2 DApp scaling platform and Interlay, a trustless Bitcoin bridge.

Robert Habemeier, co-founder of Polkadot, will showcase cutting-edge developments in parachains while Joe Petrowski of Parity Technologies will demonstrate cross-chain communication.

Register for free! http://polkadefi.acala.network/
The event is hosted on Crowdcast https://www.crowdcast.io/e/polkadefi-conference
To connect deeper with the DeFi community, join the Discord and Telegram channels

We look forward to seeing you at the first PolkaDeFi Day!

About Acala

Acala is a first-of-its-kind decentralized finance consortium with a vision to create cross-chain open finance infrastructure for the Polkadot ecosystem. The Acala Network is a dual-protocol network: a decentralized cross-chain capable multi-collateralized stablecoin protocol, Honzon, and a trustless tokenized staking liquidity protocol, Homa. Acala aims to bring stability, liquidity and accessibility to the mainstream retail financial services market.

Learn more about Acala on acala.network, Medium, Twitter, GitHub and Acala Wiki. Join the discussion on Discord, Telegram and Riot Chat. Any inquiries please Email or DM us.

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Bette Chen
Editor for

COO & Co-Founder @Laminar & @AcalaNetwork. Full-stack Product Manager. Budling for a decentralized future.