FAQ — ACA Network and Token sale Frequently asked questions

7 min readApr 4, 2018


To make the experience as pleasant and easy as possible for everyone that wants to participate, we’ve prepared a guide to answer some of the most common questions you might have. We hope that these FAQ’s will give you a better understanding of ACA Network and our token sale.

What is the ACA Network?

It is a project to create a transparent and fair platform for online advertising transactions, using the blockchain technology.

What kinds of problems does ACA Network solve?

It is being conducted in a non-transparent environment. As a result, a variety of intermediaries that facilitate the advertising transactions are taking a preposterous amount of margin from the advertiser and the advertising medium. By creating a transparent and fair platform for online advertising transactions, ACA Network can maximize profitability for both the advertiser and the advertising medium.

Why was this problem not solved previously?

Information pertaining to online advertising transactions are collected by advertising agencies and advertising network companies and thus, kept as a black box. It was impossible for the advertisers and the advertising medium to get the accurate information. Introduction of blockchain technology has brought some level of transparency to previously non-transparent online advertising transactions.

Why does ACA Network use blockchain technology?

In order to make online advertising transactions more transparent.

Who are ACA Network’s competitors? How does it plan to stay ahead of them?

ADX and BAT are predicted to be its competitors. Contrary to ADX and BAT, ACA Network has footings in Asia, including Japan, Seoul, and China, and will be operating globally.

What is the development schedule?

The online advertisement transaction platform is scheduled to begin in June 2019. Please refer to the white paper for the detailed roadmap.

Is ACA Network registered?

The brand name and logo for ACA Network has been registered in Japan, where the business is set to start first.

How can the ACA tokens be used in the future? What benefits do the owners of ACA tokens receive?

There are 2 major benefits of ACA tokens. First is a discount on the system usage fee, which is charged when an advertisement is submitted through the ACA Network, based on the amount of ACA tokens you own. Second is the ability to rent out the ACA tokens to the advertisers who wish to receive discounts on the ACA Network. ACA token owners can charge rental fees by renting out their ACA tokens to advertisers interested in using ACA tokens.

What happens after the ICO?

We will actively hire more staff, and expedite the development of a β-version. Additionally, an office will be created in Japan, where we will start the business first, and set up a system to build the business.

How many ACA tokens are there?

A total of 2,000,000,000 ACA tokens will be created.

Do the ACA tokens conform to ERC20?

Yes, they conform to ERC20.

Which virtual currencies can be used to purchase ACA tokens?

ETH is the only virtual currency that can be used to purchase ACA tokens.

How can I store ACA tokens?

ACA tokens can only be stored in ERC20-compatible wallets such as MyEtherWallet. If a wallet address from an exchange is registered when creating an account at a token sale site, ACA tokens cannot be disbursed after purchase. Be sure to register a wallet address that conforms to ERC20. Never send ETH from an address at an exchange.

Will the ACA tokens be listed at an exchange?

Yes. We will notify you of the exchanges where the ACA tokens are listed after the sale.

Is there a Bounty Program?

Yes. There are various Bounty Programs. For details on the Bounty Programs, please refer to the Token Sale Schedule on the official website. Also, there are articles with information on Bounty Programs, and how to join them, on the official blog. Please see here, for posts about the Bounty Programs.

Can ACA tokens be mined?

No. ACA tokens cannot be mined.

Can ACA tokens be immediately transferred?

Disbursed ACA tokens cannot be transferred until 1 week before the day they are to be listed on more than 1 exchange.

How many tokens will be sold during the token sale period?

Including the bonuses, 1,000,000,000 ACA, which is 50% of the total issued amount, is allotted.

How to participate to the ACA token sale?

You need to do AML with KYC to participate in ACA token sale.

Can ETH be sent from my wallet at an exchange?

ETH cannot be sent from an address at an exchange. Be sure to list a wallet address from an ETHWallet account, such as MyEtherWallet, for your wallet address registration. ACA tokens cannot be disbursed to an address at an exchange.

Is it necessary to KYC for a token sale?

Yes. KYC is necessary to partake in a token sale.

When will the tokens be distributed?

Through a token sale, tokens are distributed when the minimum cap is exceeded.

Will there be a follow-up sale of ACA? What happens to the unsold tokens?

Unsold ACA tokens, after all the stages, will be destroyed, except for the ones allotted for the bonus.

What is the value of an ACA token?

1 ACA token is equivalent to 3 JPY. The exchange rate for ETH will be announced at least 1 day before each round. The rate will be determined for each round based on the market price.

What payment methods are accepted to purchase the tokens?

ACA tokes can only be purchased with ETH.

Will it be possible to return the tokens for a refund?

No. We do not offer refunds.

When and where can I exchange the tokens?

You will be able to trade your tokens once they are listed on a cryptocurrency exchange and on our own platform, when we have developed it and subjected it to regulatory approval. We are currently in talks with 4 of the major currency exchanges and plan to reveal our final decision upon completion of our ICO.

When is the exchange rate between ACA token and ETH set?

The exchange rate between ACA tokens and ETH will be announced at least 1 day before the start of each stage. For each stage, the rate will be set at 1 ACA token = 3 JPY, according to the market value.

After purchase, how can ACA tokens be used?

There are 2 major benefits of ACA tokens. First is a discount on the system usage fee, which is charged when an advertisement is submitted through the ACA Network, based on the amount of ACA tokens you own. Second is the ability to rent out the ACA tokens to the advertisers who wish to receive discounts on the ACA Network. ACA token owners can charge rental fees by renting out their ACA tokens to advertisers interested in using ACA tokens.

Where are the funds collected from token sale stored?

They are split and stored in several wallet accounts that are separate from the wallet account with ETH from the token sale.

Is there a lock-up period for the ACA tokens sold during the token sale period?

There is no lock-up period for the ACA tokens sold during the token sale period.

Are there countries that impose restrictions on participating in the token sale?

United States, China, and Singapore do have restrictions against participating.

Is there KYC?

Yes. KYC is required to participate in the token sale.

Is it absolutely necessary to register for an account on the token sale site and do KYC?

Yes. It is necessary to register for an account on the token sale site and do KYC in order to participate in the token sale.

What happens if an investment is made outside of the token sale period?

Your transaction will be rejected but you will most likely incur the gas cost; Gas incurred for rejected transactions is likely to be more than that of a successful transaction.

What happens if an investment is made after the hard-cap is reached?

Your transaction will be rejected but you will most likely incur the gas cost; Gas incurred for rejected transactions is likely to be more than that of a successful transaction. So please check the total number of ACA allocated so far before you transfer.

Are transaction fees included?

A separate Gas is charged to send ETH and receive ACA tokens.

Is it possible to register multiple wallet addresses?

Only 1 wallet address can be registered. Please register a wallet address that conforms to ERC20. Do not register an address at an exchange. ACA tokens cannot be disbursed if you register an address at an exchange.

Why is it necessary to register my wallet address during registration?

The information is used to verify AML.

Is there a way to see the raw data that is stored in the blockchain?

Yes, there is. Token sale information will be available for viewing on ethplorer or etherscan.

Where can I contact for questions?

Please ask your question on the official group on Telegram, or send an e-mail to the address below. There may be a slight delay in response to the inquiries sent via e-mail. For the quickest response, please submit your questions to the official group on Telegram.

■ WEBSITE : https://aca.network/
■ WHITEPAPER : https://aca.network/documents/aca_whitepaper.pdf
■ TOKEN SALE SCHEDULE: https://aca.network/documents/tokensale_schedule_EN.pdf
■ BOUNTY PROGRAM: https://aca.network/documents/BountyProgram_EN_public.pdf
■ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ACANetwork_io
■ FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/acanetworkofficial
■ TELEGRAM: https://t.me/acanetwork




Block Chain Ad Network System- Read more about ACA Network on our blog : medium.com/acanetwork