What’s Good in Tech, Issue 7

Fast Forward
Accelerate Good
Published in
4 min readOct 31, 2018

The candy’s been devoured, the costumes worn out, and (we hope!) the voting prep has begun. As we swing from October to November, the Halloween sugar rush isn’t the only thing getting us excited. Get ready to dive into the latest tech nonprofit scoop, it’s the good news we’ve been waiting for.

Beyond Doing Good — 4 Ways to Leverage Volunteering for Professional Development

What's Good in Tech 7

Volunteering isn’t just good for your conscience. It can help you level up in your career too. Discover four ways you can use pro bono projects to get ahead professionally.

Read how in Forbes >

A New Crisis Hotline Lets You Text a Counselor When You’re Anxious at Work

What's Good in Tech 7

One of the biggest problems with HR is that it’s available through your company. Empower Work solves that problem with an anonymous SMS support hotline for workplace issues.

Read the story in Quartz >

7 Startup Lessons from Quill’s Founder

Whats Good in Tech 7

Today, Fast Forward alumni Quill is using AI to help over 1M students become better writers. But that wasn’t always the case. Quill Founder Peter Gault shares 7 critical startup lessons they’ve learned on their way to the top.

Read Peter’s advice >

Mozilla’s Ambitious Plan To Teach Coders Not To Be Evil

Good in Tech 7

“The nonprofit’s founder and chairwoman (Mitchell Baker) explains her latest initiative: a $3.5M competition in partnership with the Omidyar Network to explore new ways to teach ethics to computer science students.”

Read more in Fast Company >

New App Connects San Francisco’s Homeless to Support, Services

Whats Good in Tech 7

The homelessness problem runs deep in San Francisco, and calling 911 is rarely the best action when you see someone in crisis. Concrn fills gaps in homelessness support with a tech-enabled, compassionate alternative to 911.

How Concrn can help >

Y Combinator Survey Confirms What We Already Know

Whats Good in Tech 7

…women founders are too often victims of sexual harassment. The good news? Fast Forward and Y Combinator grantee, Callisto, is launching a founder specific reporting tool.

The news in TechCrunch >

Shannon Farley with Denver Frederick on The Business of Giving

What's Good in Tech 7

If you’ve never heard Fast Forward’s founding story, or want to hear our Co-Founder Shannon Farley’s thoughts on the state of the tech nonprofit sector, you’ll want to hear this!

The founding story >

Working Together to Apply AI for Social Good

What's Good in Tech 7

Google.org announces new AI for social good initiative, issuing an open call for organizations using AI to solve key social challenges. Selected organizations receive funding from a $25M pool.

Get the details >

After 10 Years Leading MoneyThink, Ted Gonder Passes The CEO Torch

What's Good in Tech 7

After 10 years serving as co-founder and CEO of MoneyThink, Ted Gonder is stepping down and passing the CEO reigns to Josh Lachs, who comes to MoneyThink from Net Impact.

His note of gratitude >

This Startup Imagines a World Where Elections are More About Political Issues Than Parties

What's Good in Tech 7

“Mic asks tech entrepreneurs: ‘What are 12 things you did with your phone today?’ IssueVoter CEO Maria Yuan uses hers to build communities of informed voters.”

Read about IssueVoter in Mic >



Fast Forward
Accelerate Good

Improving the world by accelerating tech nonprofits