Azeez Qudus
Accelerate your growth
5 min readFeb 22, 2024



Biographical picture for Qudus

Non fiction: a real life story part 2

The family is commited unto traditionalism which was later domiciled by Islam ,full of hypocrisy, abuse , Idolaters. Extensively it is a family that is naturally confused and scattered, majorly they struggle and strive with all things due to financial insufficiency.

They have been the type that has no peace of mind ,very poverty stricken, uncivilized, illiterate, uneducated member of people but there's a particular trait in the family genealogy who tends to have upper hands than the others in the household.

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There’s a particular man namely Mr Abeeden and his younger brother Mr Maruff. Mr Abeeden came from a polygamous family which made his father to have several wives whereas he and his younger brother Mr Maruff were more intimate than any other,their mother specialises in smoking fish ,she buys and smoke fish for the people to buy , while Mr. Abeeden was still being brought He faced some particular challenges that was so shocking and disheartening, he was a man that attended and finished at a basis school according to his native school grade and he could not further .

However, he was a man that naturally struggles to survive while he could no longer further in his education he crossed to acquire a new idea for himself ,he was able to discipline himself to have a certificate in automotive parts ( particularly dealers in car engine) meanwhile after all his years of training in his business he could not gather up money to establish himself but yet he's managing himself and finding all possible means for him to get himself established, unfortunately for him everything was to no avail for him .

Then, there was a certain day he went to device a plan for himself to divert into another business(electronics and accessories supply) which unconsciously made him a business tycoon eventhough it was manageable for him but that couldn't pull him up to what he desire for himself in addition he keep encouraging and pulling himself ,but there's a certain part of Mr. Abeeden that was eating him up , he's a promiscuous man ,when it comes to the matter of opposite sex his heart always desire them that he got himself involve in youthful pleasures and lust because he was too full of himself .While he was struggling the pleasures are there backstabbing him but fortunately for him he made through to establish himself in his line of profession and from he got married to his first wife namely Mrs S. Abeeden .

(An abstract background of Mrs S. Abeeden ,she was a beautiful, industrious but disobedient woman ,she was naive . She does well in whatever she commit herself to do , well ,Mrs S. Abeeden was a woman that didn't listened to her father cos her father strictly instructed her not to marry Mr. Abeeden but she never yielded to that maybe because she found Mr Abeeden to be lovely and good in her sight (I'm you all must have an hint by now the kind of person Mr Abeeden is )he was a man with sweet words and cunning heart .

The actual reason Mrs S. Abeeden she was instructed in such manner was because her father saw and noted that the man which is Mr. Abeeden I not a good man and that their tribe is not good enough to get married to but she never yielded to any of that)
Therefore, Mr and Mrs Abeeden enjoyed their marriage up to the date that Mr Abeeden start bringing into their matrimonial house other women .Mrs S. Abeeden was supposed to have four children but unfortunately two of them died in between while her first and last born lived up to date.
Mrs S. Abeeden endured for with Mr Abeeden for a long period of time but since it's his nature to be promiscuous he wouldn't stop ,he kept on bringing women into his home when his wife is displeased with it .

There are times that they will both fall into a critical argument that Mr Abeeden will have to beat his wife ,so there's this D-day that his wife was beaten to stupor while she was pregnant . She was rushed to the hospital and coincidentally it was due time for her to give birth ,along the time her husband came to visit but his visit was to bid his pregnant wife farewell .However,since the time Mr Abeeden went to visit her wife in the hospital,the wife Mrs S. Abeeden never step into her husband house again ,she complained that she could no longer bear the pain and maltreatment that her husband was inflicting on her so thereby they seperated , well ,they both moved on in their various life while Mr Abeeden was going about exploring other women his wife was on her own taking care of her young innocent child in between her husband's younger brother got involved pleading with her to return and go back to her husband but she insisted and that she made a convenient with herself never to return to Mr Abeeden's house.

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Maruff who is Mr Abeeden’s younger brother was a strong man , he also was a dropout from college ,he could no longer further his education due to financial problem same problem his elder brother faced but he took the same decision like his brother to enroll for a vocational skill which was motivated and financed by his elder brother .
He was an automobile engineer for a long period of time ,he got married to a single mother and the total of his children are three (3) including his step child , he stayed in his country for some years and later migrate himself oy and left his family.

Lesson review:
It is observed that a man is not obliged or supposed to be unsuccessful because of his background but yet such person should keep on struggling and determine for a one day things will turn around for such.
It is also noted that the starting of a man does not determine the end of his life even though we can through thorns and thistles but yet we should aspire and determine for greater things.

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Azeez Qudus
Accelerate your growth

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