Azeez Qudus
Accelerate your growth
9 min readApr 20, 2024



Cover image for "Daily Steps To Live A Sustainable Prayer Life and Consistent Normal Life" written by Azeez Qudus designed with Canva

Daily steps to live a sustainable prayer life and consistent normal is an experimental guidelines for christians that are willing to build up a prayer life, it teaches more about how to be consistent in the place of prayer having passing through all due measures and teaches more on how to live a normal life without showing off or oppress anyone and it will greatly to build a life that other life will drink from and benefit from.

It is a teachings and stepwise way of Living a correct Christian Life in a prayerful manner without contradicting God and man ,It builds more foundational knowledge about how to relatively live as an husband,wife ,student and much more on different categories of Life.

Heart Burden

It has been a burden to me and heart cry because of the way I see Christians in our days having to contradict there normal life only because they claim to be prayerful and meanwhile even some of their prayers are not as effective as the prayer of a normal Christian that has not been claiming to be a Prayo( Someone that shows about regarding his/her prayer life).

( This publish is critically dedicated to the the Christians that are Christ like and followers of Christ that are willing to build a sincere and lasting prayer Life)
I'm obliged to narratively discuss certain ways that I have practice and follow and that I'm recommending concerning any man that wishes to have a consistent and steady prayer life without having to disturb his/her normal daily basis either working anywhere or serving anyone.

The major essence of this book is to help us to develop a correct and prayerful Christian life nevertheless functioning well at the other series of our life either as a parent ,worker ,child , businessman , trader, student , staff , at any category
There are certain things to consider in one's life before we can be able to present our prayers unto the Lord and also they are devices that will make our prayers very effective; these are the critical issues to look at:

Chapter two


Building a holy and righteous life is a very critical matter to discuss in any Christian life and there are several scriptural references that can actually help(which I will not quote) but I will urge you to seek after the related scriptures. But I intend to emphasize on the fact that anyone of us that fail to build a consistent holy , righteous and faithful Life will not be able to build a consistent prayer life and one the ways that I can that I know I think you should follow is by
- keeping yourself from sin on a daily basis and every time
- Abstaining from every form on unrighteousness and deformity (At large ; Preventing ourselves from blemishes ,spot and wrinkles : some experimental examples are by

1. Keeping records of our life and how we are living our life.
2. By not ignoring even the least and the most hidden sin that is best known unto yourself
3 Learn to live above secrecy because in secrecy there live sin
4 Always ensure that you be a vessel that lives to be an added advantage unto your surroundings
5 Be the salt that is useful and effective and not otherwise.

Above all learn and live to be faithful unto God but the fact remains that when a man is not uprightly faithful unto an earthly vessel of God ,how then can such be faithful unto God) and all this can solely be achieved by paying critical attentions unto our daily life
 .......But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him......

Chapter three


And according to the scriptures which noted to us all that any man or anyone that takes his leading or that allows the spirit to Lead him/her ,they are the children of God so generally means if you are not in role or the list of those who are led by the spirit then you should know that it will be difficult for such to build a consistent and effective prayer life.

How shall not the ministry of the spirit be rather glorious?
 ......For if the ministry of condemnation be glorious, much more doth the ministry of righteousness exceed in glory......

It is known that the ministration of the spirit will allow us to have a better understanding and knowledge of God in a correct conceptual and it also allows our mind to be open and not blinded ,it greatly enlightens our heart and our mind.

......Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty......

And so any man that gives room to the guidance of the spirit then gives room also to God and in this or through this will be ushered into peace and free state of mind.

Because there are cases where as the holy spirit would want us to do some things and which are peculiar to ourselves but if the vessel wouldn’t do it then it will be sin unto such individual.

Quote: The leadings of the spirit unto every child of God is peculiar and divine nevertheless God is one so as His spirit also .

Chapter four


This occurrence is as vital as the other categories we had initially discussed: Many of us in our days lost our relationship with God because of the visions we saw and revelations that were revealed unto us.

Meanwhile we are meant to wait on God to allow or give the correct interpretations to our visions and dreams .
A vision is initially revealed unto us that we can depend and wait on God for the interpretation through the holy spirit ; divine or ordained encounters : God is not expecting us to jump procedures or overrule the necessary steps we are to follow due to our visions but rather He's in expectant and checking that we are able to live and learn to please Him regardless of his communion with us
We can look into the lives of Joseph , Daniel ,Jesus, Peter and so on to help us to build on that.
God is never behind us working toward the steps of a prodigal child even at the expense of our vision rather He wants us to be obedient unto the spirit and by being faithful unto our habitual way of walking with God and with man .

Chapter five


This should be a routine and consistent practice for anyone hoping to build a consistent prayer life.
There's need for us to believe and to know that there are certain lines that we cannot cross ,there's need for us to continuously keep our clean and holy ,our heart and the parts of our body ,we need to always bear it in mind that we belong to the lord and we should always long and live for the Lord even in everything,in fact expected and supposed to be disciplined at all things and in all matters .
There's a need for us to always desire for God in anything we are doing. Sometimes we need to ask ourselves that perhaps if Christ is in my case ,how will He handle the matter ? or
How will He react ?

Chapter six


We as a Christian must be dead unto yourself because anyone that is not dead unto self cannot follow Christ so which means whoever wants to follow Christ must be dead .

.....And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me....

That means there's going to be a renewal of denial which is continuously steadfast ....We must ensure to do everything in our capacity to do everything and anything for God 's sake and not any other sake .
We as a Christian must be dead unto yourself because anyone that is not dead unto self cannot follow Christ so which means whoever wants to follow Christ must be dead .

.....And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me....

That means there's going to be a renewal of denial which is continuously steadfast ....We must ensure to do everything in our capacity to do everything and anything for God 's sake and not any other sake .


After we have follow all the initial steps stated below I believe we are accepted unto the Lord so the next phase to follow

Chapter Seven


To be able to have a basis for our life consistently there’s need for us to build for yourself an altar at the place or state of our encounter .It is known that everyone’s encounter is peculiar to their self, In that we are supposed to build yourself through prayers and studying the word and praying yourself unto consistent secret player life which is also known as our secret place .
What is an effective prayer : Effective prayer is a prayer presented before the Lord and granted by the Lord .
It is duly supposed to be about how you are burdened by the Lord and as the spirits lead you to pray and do.
An effective secret prayer is not expected to be done in a mechanical way or a copied form of praying to the Lord but rather it is expected to be in such way that it will dedicated by the intercessor, strictly motivated by the spirit and privately unto the Lord but not a motivation that was derived from a person . A prayer life cannot be consistent if it is built on the basis of the motivation or elation that was derived from another man’s life.
Therefore, by being consistent and steady with the Lord e’en at our secret place will actually result in an habitual or routine manner of communicating with the Lord unconsciously.

Chapter Eight


We must ensure to pray at times available for us and without having to disturb anyone :
A worker in a company can be praying personally in the complain without the notice of anyone ,we can pray with our minds while at work even when we are with the fellow co workers but we should ensure to present our prayers to the lord in such a way that we will not disturb anyone even the person that is nearest to us .
Sometimes when our prayers are bridged we can can rechannel our mind unto the Lord continue to pray while working and standing while doing some other things
this part is mostly important because it is the way we present our self that will make other people to portray us in that manner ,this is also advised to the people who are willing to be discipline even in the place of prayer.
Don't present an hypocritical prayer unto the Lord but rather ensure you are addicted to prayer ...
Actually on this matter holy will further help us and enlighten more on it by virtue of our experience which is peculiar to each of us .

Chapter Nine


God is please whenever we intercede for ourselves , He's only not just expecting that we always should be prayer for ourselves but extensively for everything ,according to my own experience of intercessions I learnt to intercede for others starting from my environment which later was broaden to the global level. It is also a means or charge of seeing the good side of God....It is a source of opening heaven unto men , by interceding.
Even tho when it seems as if your prayers are not yet granted but yet trust in the Lord for yourself that He will do and keep.on pressing and try to work towards every of your prayers by faith .
Don't be a weakling Christian ,be a Christian that operates in the degree of Faith. Shalom!!

