Azeez Qudus
Accelerate your growth
5 min readFeb 22, 2024


The Challenges and sufferings of C. Qudus' mother


Non fiction: a real life story

This tells more about the challenges and experiences that Mrs S. Abeeden encountered after she angrily left her husband house;
Mrs S. Abeeden was in the hospital when her husband came to drop her child with her who was still very small then . She was very sick in the hospital at her sick bed but her husband didn’t consider that because his pleasures are already hunting him down ,he wanted to explore more women, aggressively he abandoned the small child and his mother in the hospital.

As a result of this it aggravated his wife to stay out of Mr Abeeden’s home and never to step her foot there again ,she made the decision while she was at her sick bed unknowingly whether she’s going to survive the sickness ,she was a woman that commit herself to her words.

Mrs S. Abeeden believed that her sickness and long-suffering is as a result of the women that her husband was indulging into their privacy so she took it spiritual too by seeking further help spiritual.This led her to a certain sacred church that conducted deliverance for her and her child and fortunately it was confidential that at the point in time situations and things seems to turn in good for her so that made to believe strongly in their god and followed their god.

Fortunately for her she knows more about trading and marketing which she got to learn from her own mother.On the tussle of her life she branched into selling snacks and all of that ,she grew stronger and switched deers in building material ,while single handedly she has been the one funding her last child in his studies. On the course of her struggles she happens to meet a man ,she fell for her and they both got into a relationship.

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The man she got ina relationship is actually a civil servant when he will come at times to her place and they will have nice time together but something is fishy about that, it was that her child was not happy about it, sometimes

when the man is inside with his mother he will peep through the doors without their consent in curiosity of mind wanting to know what they are doing inside together.

The child grew older and in expectant of his father’s support in his life so then he began to pay visit to his father sometimes, the father will give hin some money but he would not pay his fees, he refused to pay his fees because the motioned that the boy should come and be living with him only then will he start taking responsibilities on him but the boy didn’t heed to what his father said, they moved on like that until the boy come of age and went to meet his father and he ensured the he persuade his father to start taking responsibilities on him so how he was able to convince his father, even though he didn’t all responsibilities but yet he changed on some part and he was paying a little out of his child’s expenses.

The conflict between Mrs S. Abeeden and her husband grew stronger that there was a day that she went to her husband house to check on her son but unexpectedly the argument both of them was so strong that he had to beat her and even injure her that when she got back home she had to inform the police and made take snaps of the injury so as to use it as an evident against him but later he won the case and was released out of the jail even tho it was illegal. An auxiliary came to treat her in her house and she was whole again.

Along the line the child that has been with her was grown but while he was growing he usually mess up stooping and purging although he later overcame it, the boy was a good boy but his older brother was able to influence him he also began to steal his mother’s money, he was very bad that he even went to squander his school fees ,he gambled with it , he even had a friend that they usually did this together, their friendship wawas base on crime, they friends indeed friends in crime, the boy did a very mischievous thing someday, he went and squandered the whole of his school fees, he gambled with it and he did everything possible to cover it up so knowingly when the needed their money they gave his a call knowing that it’s not her habitual method of owing them money so news spread that the mother came to visit them in the school when she had that she’s paid her due fees for her child for that particular term it was so terrifying for her because she was like me? , not paid? , how come? , why? but I have given the money to my child to pay ~these are the comments on her head she got the most shocking news of her life .

Notwithstanding she immediately rushed down to her son school and she collided with him as soon as she steps into his school, and there she started dealing with him so she left her there and went to the principal office (she was already shivering and feeling uneasy) they calmed her while she was in the principal office and they boy sneakily overheard what they were discussing in the office where are mother was so he immediately fled and flew towards the fence and ran away and they couldn’t hold him responsible for what he has done.

They searched everywhere to look for him but they could not find him so they left him alone. The mother at home weeping and was greatly pained concerning what he had done , it was at that time that the boy came home, so he pleaded with his mum and persuade her to call his school management so that they wouldn’t scold him when he returns back to school and she did so . Henceforth, he changed but caused a great distress for his mother.

Lesson review:

It is observed that any time a man wants to take a step , he should have build up plans so that whenever his schedules go otherwise then he may use his alternative method. It is also noted that is is advisable we don't indulge ourself into a ghost investment, any investment we are making and we don't chance to supervise and follow up on it, it might not be in our favour.

Always ensure you pay attention closely to everything you are doing and even to your children if you are a parent

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Azeez Qudus
Accelerate your growth

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