Practical Application of Logistic Regression for Business Problems: An Overview

Courtlin Holt-Nguyen
Accelerated Analyst
8 min readMar 12, 2023

Are you a business owner or manager looking for ways to use data science to make better decisions? Logistic regression is one of the most powerful techniques in data science, and can be used to solve a variety of business problems. In this blog post, we’ll explore practical applications of logistic regression for businesses and how it can help you make informed decisions.

Introduction to Logistic Regression

Logistic regression is a powerful statistical tool used to solve binary classification problems, such as predicting whether an event will occur or not. It essentially determines the extent to which there is a linear relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables. Joseph M. Hilbe’s Practical Guide to Logistic Regression provides a comprehensive introduction to the technique for those who are new to the concept. In his book, he explains that logistic regression can be used for a variety of purposes, including predicting customer churn and identifying fraudulent activities. With its ability to work with complex data sets and deliver accurate results, logistic regression is becoming increasingly popular across a range of industries and use cases.

Difference Between Logistic Regression and Linear Regression

Logistic regression and linear regression are two of the most commonly used supervised machine learning algorithms. Logistic regression is used to model binary outcomes, while linear regression is used to model linear relationships between independent variables and a continuous outcome variable. The main difference between the two is that logistic regression can only be used to predict categorical outcomes, while linear regression can be used for both categorical and continuous outcomes. Logistic regression is also faster at classifying unknown records than linear regression, making it more suitable for applications that require rapid predictions.

How Logistic Regression Works

Logistic regression is a data analysis technique that uses mathematics to find the relationships between two data factors. It then uses this relationship to create a predictive model which can be used to estimate the probability of success or failure of an event. Logistic regression uses a logistic function, also known as a sigmoid curve, which is designed to map the relationship between an independent variable and the probability of success or failure. This logistic function takes into account the values of predictors and outputs a probability between 0 and 1. The model then classifies an outcome as either “success” or “failure” based on whether this probability is above or below a certain threshold. Logistic regression is a powerful tool for predicting binary outcomes, as it can be applied to both linear and non-linear data sets. Additionally, it is relatively easy to interpret the results of a logistic regression model, making it an attractive choice for businesses seeking to gain insight from their data.

Reasons to Use Logistic Regression

Logistic regression is a powerful tool for making predictions about the probability of an event occurring. It offers several advantages over other traditional methods, such as linear regression, because it can handle non-linear relationships between variables, it can be applied to a wide range of data sets, and it is relatively easy to interpret. Logistic regression is also advantageous because it allows you to control for confounding variables, making it possible to isolate the effects of a particular predictor on the outcome of interest. Additionally, logistic regression can be used to predict both categorical and continuous targets. By combining these advantages, logistic regression can provide valuable insights into many types of business problems.

Practical Use Cases for Logistic Regression

Logistic regression can be used to solve a variety of problems, ranging from predicting customer churn to identifying fraudulent activity. It can also help businesses make better decisions by providing insights into the likelihood of a certain outcome. For example, businesses might use logistic regression to analyze customer data and predict whether or not they are likely to purchase a particular product. This can help them target their marketing efforts more precisely and increase their sales. Logistic regression can also be used to assess credit risk and determine the probability of defaulting on a loan. Additionally, logistic regression can be used in healthcare to predict the likelihood of a patient developing a certain disease or condition. By utilizing logistic regression, businesses can make more informed decisions and better understand their customer base.

Choosing the Right Variables

When using logistic regression for business problems, it is important to choose the right variables. The independent variables used in a logistic regression model should be highly predictive of the outcome and have some correlation with the dependent variable. It is important to consider the correlation between independent variables and the dependent variable, as well as any multicollinearity or interaction effects that may exist between the independent variables. Additionally, it is important to consider the type of data being used when selecting which independent variables to include in a model. This includes numerical data, categorical data, or a combination of both. By carefully selecting the right variables, logistic regression can yield powerful and accurate predictions.

Building a Logistic Regression Model

Building a Logistic Regression Model is an important step in using the Logistic Regression Algorithm for classification problems. In this process, a set of predictor variables are identified from the data and used to predict the probability of a certain outcome. This is done by running a series of linear equations that calculate the coefficients for each variable and the intercept. Then, these coefficients and intercepts are used to calculate the probability of an outcome given the predictor variables. It is important to choose the right predictor variables and create a model that is accurate, reliable, and well-calibrated. Once the model is built, it can then be used to make predictions and help businesses make better decisions.

Interpreting the Results of a Logistic Model

Interpreting the results of a logistic model is an important step in being able to make accurate predictions using logistic regression. After building the model, it is essential to assess how well it performs. To do this, a variety of metrics can be used such as the R-squared value, confusion matrix, precision-recall curves and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. These metrics provide insight into how accurate the model is in predicting outcomes, as well as how balanced it is in predicting both positive and negative outcomes. By understanding these insights, businesses can more effectively use logistic regression for predictive analytics.

Using Logistic Regression to Make Predictions

Logistic regression is a powerful tool for making predictions because it can identify relationships between variables and the outcome of an event. It can be used to determine the probability of an event occurring or a decision being made based on prior observations. Logistic regression can also be used to identify the key factors that influence the outcome of a particular event, allowing businesses to make more informed decisions. By understanding the relationships between variables and outcomes, businesses can better predict outcomes and develop strategies with greater accuracy.

Logistic Regression vs. Random Forest

Logistic Regression and Random Forest are two of the most popular machine learning algorithms used in classification problems. Logistic regression is a supervised algorithm that uses a logistic curve to predict the probability of an event occurring. It can be used for binary classification, such as predicting whether a customer will buy a product or not. On the other hand, Random Forest is an ensemble algorithm that uses decision trees to make predictions. It is suitable for more complex problems, such as predicting customer churn or determining credit risk. Both algorithms have their own strengths and weaknesses, but in general Logistic Regression is more suitable for simpler problems with fewer variables and Random Forest is better for more complex problems with many variables.

Logistic Regression vs. Deep Learning

Logistic regression and deep learning are both useful machine learning techniques for businesses. While logistic regression is used to classify data into two categories, deep learning is a more complex form of machine learning that can identify patterns in large datasets. Logistic regression is faster than deep learning but less accurate. Deep learning, on the other hand, is more accurate but takes longer to train and requires more data to be successful. For most business applications, logistic regression is the better choice as it provides a good balance between speed and accuracy.

Logistic regression has been adopted as a basic machine learning model, and it has been observed that it performs just as well as optimised machine algorithms to classify patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. In comparison to machine learning, logistic regression is a traditional statistical method used for binary classification that is simpler and easier to interpret than machine learning models. This makes it better suited for situations where quick decisions need to be made based on the data, such as in medical diagnosis. Additionally, linear regression algorithms can be used to find the best fit for a straight line that relates feature variables with the target variable, whereas logistic regression can model more complex nonlinear relationships. Therefore, logistic regression is generally preferable over machine learning when there are limited data points or when decisions need to be made quickly and accurately.

Logistic Regression — Speed vs. Accuracy

Logistic regression is a powerful tool for business problems, as it provides both speed and accuracy in its predictions. Not only does it provide quick results, but also consistently accurate results. The speed at which logistic regression models can be implemented is particularly valuable when dealing with large datasets that need to be processed quickly. Additionally, the accuracy of logistic regression models is often better than other machine learning methods such as random forest and deep learning. This accuracy is due to the fact that logistic regression models can account for more variables than other methods and are able to capture complex relationships between variables better. As such, logistic regression can provide businesses with a powerful tool for making accurate predictions quickly and efficiently.


In conclusion, logistic regression is a powerful tool that can be used to make better decisions in various industries. It is capable of predicting outcomes more quickly than other methods and can be used to classify data into two categories. Logistic regression can be used in many different industries, such as healthcare, finance, marketing, and more. In order to use logistic regression successfully, it is important to select the right variables and build a model that accurately reflects the data. Additionally, it is important to understand the results of a logistic model and to understand how it works in order to make accurate predictions. Finally, logistic regression can be compared to other methods such as random forest and deep learning in terms of speed and accuracy. All of these points taken together show that logistic regression can provide valuable insights into various business problems and should be used when appropriate.



Courtlin Holt-Nguyen
Accelerated Analyst

Former Head of Enterprise Analytics. I share practical data science tutorials with working code. Data scientist | data strategist | consultant.