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Send This MIT Study Showing More Sleep Leads to Better Grades to Every College Student You Know

Jessica Stillman
Accelerated Intelligence
3 min readOct 13, 2020


College (at least in a normal year) is a time of personal discovery, academic development, and just plain fun. But one thing it generally isn’t, is a period in life when you get a ton of sleep. Between late night study sessions, early morning classes, and irresistible parties, there are a million and one reasons college kids don’t generally prioritize sleep.

But if you’re a college student — or anyone else really — and you’re hoping to actually learn something, you may want to rethink your lackadaisical approach to sleep, according to surprising research out of MIT.

The best study tool is your bed.

The results of the study were so surprising, in fact, that they even managed to shock the team behind the research. The whole project got started when MIT professor Jeffrey Grossman decided to look into a possible link between how much the students in his solid-state chemistry class exercised and the grades they got. To figure out the relationship, he asked 100 students to wear Fitbits for the semester and enrolled 25 of them in an intensive fitness program.

Did hitting the gym lead to better grades in chem? The answer turned out to be no (though you should probably hit the gym anyway for

