The Best Fundraising Blogs to Follow in 2018

Zach Hagopian
3 min readMay 1, 2018


As a company focused on helping our clients raise as much money as possible through their fundraising initiatives, we enjoy keeping a finger on the pulse of the latest trends in the nonprofit, fundraising, and event space.

While there are endless resources providing fundraising tips, promotion & communication strategies, and guides on how to build donor relationships, we’ve put together a list of our favorite fundraising blogs to look out for in 2018 — Enjoy!

  • Bloomerang — A perennial favorite of ours, the Bloomerang blog covers a fantastic range of fundraising topics, including fundraising technology, donor retention, and more. Additionally, the blog is open to a extensive array of contributors, creating a true melting pot of fundraising opinions.
  • Get Fully Funded — Sandy Rees, founder at Get Fully Funded, is a true master of her craft, offering amazing fundraising blog content along with classes, workshops, and guides that are sure to help anyone in the fundraising space. A must-follow!
  • Network for Good — We love how the NFG blog clearly buckets the topics that they cover: best practices, marketing, fundraising, and news & research. We’ve found content from each topic to be well worth the read!
  • Clairification — One of our favorite fundraising coaches and writers, Claire writes amazing content focused on a broad range of topics. Read her blog for a wide scope of knowledge on anything from donor communication and social strategy to running a successful special event for your organization.
  • John Haydon — A well-known expert in the fundraising community, John is a nonprofit coach, speaker, and writer. We love his content focusing on online fundraising as well as his strategies for creating a more engaging experience for your donors.
  • NPengage — NPengage’s blog has always been one of our go-to resources for the latest and greatest on fundraising technology trends. In addition to their great content on fundraising technology, the group also covers a vast range of fundraising topics such as social media, sector trends, and more.
  • Pamela Grow — Pamela Grow is a show-stopper in the fundraising community, creating massive amounts of amazing content. We especially love her Fundraising Fridays, in which she provides a collection of helpful resources and links for fundraisers.
  • Classy — The Classy blog is always up-to-date on the most innovative fundraising techniques and strategies. These can include anything from incorporating technology into your fundraiser to using peer-to-peer techniques and building a strong social media strategy around your organization’s cause.
  • Kivi’s Nonprofit Communications Blog — As the name suggests, this blog specializes in nonprofit and donor communications. Read Kivi’s content to master your communication skills, and stir the emotions of your donors and supporters!
  • Future Fundraising Now — We love the content that curator Jeff Brooks provides. Short and to the point, the Future Fundraising Now blog packs a punch with its effective writing style and broad topic range.
  • Causevox — Another go-to resource for us, the Causevox blog specializes in crowdfunding and peer-to-peer strategies that have proven to be extremely effective for their followers!

We hope you’ll find value in each of these blogs — as usual, we’d love to hear your feedback. If you know of any great resources that we missed, leave us a comment, and we’ll check it out!

Originally published at on May 1, 2018.

