What Video Style is Ideal for Your Hybrid Event?

Ariane Ramirez
Published in
7 min readOct 23, 2020
featured image — What Video Style is Ideal for Your Hybrid Event?

Many in the events industry are eager and hopeful that someday soon, they will be able to make a return to in-person, physical events. However, with the coronavirus still raging and necessary physical gathering limitations still in place, this return is unlikely before 2021 making hybrid events, a welcome and necessary tool.

Hybrid events, and virtual events in general, offer increased audience accessibility and allow the event organizer and attendees alike a more valuable experience.

A hybrid event makes use of sophisticated event technology to streamline the event experience for in-person attendees, make virtual attendees feel present at the live venue, reduce stress on event planners, and tie everything together into a cohesive production.

Because a hybrid event can be so engaging and the video elements of that event can be used as a lead generation tool and future webinar, you want to make sure that you consider using high-quality equipment and hiring a professional event videographer. Another necessary decision is the video style, which can help you have a successful hybrid event and a positive event experience.

To help you provide a positive experience for both the in-person and virtual event attendee, we’ve provided an overview of video styles, uses for video, and how to choose the right video style for your event.

Ways a Hybrid Event Will Use Video

For the last few decades, physical events have used technology to make an event more modern and more enjoyable. But now, physical events are adding more and more virtual elements in order to a) expand what an event is capable of, b) expand the reach of the event, and c) offer more in terms of content options and accessibility.

Because a hybrid event is usually based on a physical event, it is likely that many of the virtual elements will be centered around the happenings of the physical event, like any conference roundtables, presentations, breakout sessions, keynote speakers, meetings, and product kiosks.

Additionally, the way that event video will be used will depend on what the hybrid event is; if you are hosting a corporate event like a corporate trade show, the virtual element will likely need to be set up in a way that somehow showcases each presenting kiosk. However, if you are hosting a hybrid conference, you may want to find a way to promote each session, even if they are being presented concurrently.

When choosing your event video style, you’ll want to consider the following:

  • Will the live video or recorded video be posted on social media?
  • What portion of the live event footage will be used during the online event?
  • Will your remote attendees be able to interact with the physical guests in real-time?
  • Will the event be Simulated Live and a moderator be available for real-time interaction?
  • Will you also have a remote presenter, or else substantial interaction from an online attendee? How will your team accommodate this?

Since a large chunk of the event will likely need to be virtual, you will rely heavily on the virtual components and virtual event software. Do not only provide an interactive map of the venue and call it a day. Focus on providing live streams with multiple streaming angles, hand-recorded video, and video in multiple areas of the event venue.

Why Does Video Style Matter?

featured image — Why Does Video Style Matter?

If you’re relatively new to the realm of videoing events, you may be wondering why it matters that you consider a video style at all. After all, you are already going above and beyond what normal events offer by providing video, so then that means that your remote audience can be grateful for what they have.

Well, this is no longer the case. Now, more and more, the event space is becoming competitive and many are pivoting their event style to be either virtual or hybrid events. Many large events are redirecting funding into an immersive virtual experience so you need to do everything you can to stay competitive.

To stay competitive, you must provide video style or video options for your viewers. If you are hosting a hybrid conference, for example, work with a production team to film a video overlay, which continues to show the presenter even if the Powerpoint presentation is front and center. Or allow remote participants multiple camera feeds to choose from. Give them the option to switch back and forth from side cameras, or focus on a single front camera.

By giving your online audience video options, you are telling the virtual participant that you care about your event’s production value and you want your online attendees to have a positive event experience as well.

Video Style Types

When hosting a hybrid event that uses videography, you want to make sure that you bring on a professional or team of professionals, like an event videographer, who is familiar with filming events and working with a virtual platform. Their main job is to film, edit, and produce high-quality video recorded footage of your event.

Their process usually involves the live-action filming of the event and ensuring that those videos are edited based on the file type and file size, edited for media type and then handed over to the event organizers or owners.

An event videography team will usually provide at least one videographer (sometimes more), a production director, production assistant, and supporting staff to be on site. And behind the scenes, other team members might deal with editing and mixing the video into a cohesive video segment.

Depending on the skill of the video production team, you’ll be able to choose from some of the following videography styles:


The video is shot and then cut and edited to look like a movie. The scenes might not be in order and might look more artistic. Ideal for parties or celebrations, or providing a wrap-up of the event ongoings after the event is completed rather than a live stream.


Video that uses classic editing techniques so that proper tone and context are provided. You might see close-up shots of products or images of VIPs or each brand participant to capture and promote the event more functionally. Typically used for a company event or virtual meeting.


A style of video journalism that documents events chronologically. Editing is straightforward; very common for a wedding.

Guerrilla filmmaking

The videographer might use a handheld camera to mix in with the guests. This provides a more natural feeling and focuses on candid shots.


A more eye-catching video technique that might use unique angles or stylish edits to create a final product. This style is great for a beautiful venue, especially since virtual attendees will want a sneak peek at the event space!


Videographers can mix and match elements of each video style to create a unique video, which is most likely the style that modern corporate hybrid events will use. Common hybrid styles include Classic and Guerilla filmmaking.

Choosing the Best Video Style for Your Next Hybrid Event

featured image — Choosing the Best Video Style for Your Next Hybrid Event

The video style that you choose should be unique for your hybrid event type. For example, if you are hosting a corporate event like a hybrid meeting, then you will want a few stable cameras so that the virtual attendees can focus on the content.

However, this video style would not work for a hybrid trade show. Instead, you will want to use a combination of guerilla filmmaking techniques alongside documentary-style videography. That way the event videographer and camera team can intermingle with the guests, describe what’s going on during the event, and provide more in-depth documenting.

You have a lot of flexibility when it comes to the video style. Consider scheduling out times for the videographer to come by each kiosk or trade show booth so that the team at the booth will be prepared for a personalized segment. Then consider a script or production, where the kiosk exhibitor will be able to interact with the camera on their own or be shot candidly. You can also hire a video emcee in order to interview the group so that those online can interact with the kiosk exhibitor in the live chat and learn more about the company that is being promoted.

This type of style might not work for a hybrid conference, but some elements might. You could, for example, film the keynote speaker during the presentation and then bring on a moderator/virtual emcee to ask questions from both the crowd and the online audience. The key is that the camera or presenter is moved so that the online audience has a clear shot of who is speaking, helping them to feel like they are being spoken to.

You might also have to consider what your virtual event platform is capable of. If it can’t host a stream for a live event, then you might need to pre-record the event and upload it with a bit of lag.

Running a hybrid event can be daunting, especially if you are not confident in video production. However, you can always outsource your videographer and media team. Be sure to inquire as to what video styles that the production team is comfortable with so that you know exactly what you are getting!

Originally published at https://www.accelevents.com on October 23, 2020.



Ariane Ramirez

Customer Success Associate for Accelevents, lives in Manila, Philippines. Loves dogs, yoga, eating healthy and binge watching on Netflix.