Bronze Monument | Occaso Monumentum

Pei Hua Chen
Published in
1 min readNov 26, 2017

te occaso monumentum aerium video:
coram nunc simul stas tu simulacrum ut
ridens molle humi at leniter ambulat
pressis e pulveribus vestigiis vacuis.

prodas et modice mente aequa tibi versus
insanos. o infelicem natam me sero!
serius quo ut neu vellus videndum sit neu pennae
ductus! frustra volvo Maenas ut pateret
Musa tua intellectis versibus mentem
contra aes monumentum.

Once dead, I see your monument is airy
You stand before me now, your specter
Laughing softly and it slowly treads the ground, as
You pressed footprints in the shallow dust.

Lead even reason from a sound mind, for you,
Unsound lines. O unfortunate me, born too late so I missed
seeing the manuscripts or even your original script,
So I turn on the page, mad in desperate hope that your Muse
Shows me your mind between the lines
despite your bronze, some monument.

