Ghost in the Mirror | Hantu di Cermin

Charlotte Desprat
Published in
2 min readDec 27, 2016

By Nolan Sheridan, PC’18

“Ghosts in the Mirror” was inspired by the passing of a truly wonderful soul. The story is one many are tragically familiar with: the phantom feelings of loved ones that have lingered, often beyond their welcome. The faces in the mirror are the best of who we’ve lost, constant reminders that even the most trivial facets of our daily routines are forever altered, and that memory is far mightier than resolve.


waktu aku melihat di cermin,
aku pikir aku melihatnya
berdiri di belakangku.
aku merasa tangannya merangkul pinggangku,
karena mereka
begitu banyak pagi
sementara aku menggosok gigi;
begitu banyak malam
sementara aku mencuci wajahku;
begitu banyak perasaan
sementara aku mencintai hatimu.

Bedanya sekarang
waktu aku melihat di cermin,
merasa begitu dingin.
kehangatan mereka pergi
tidak lagi seperti musim panas;
api mereka pergi
warna tidak lagi seperti musim gugur;
kreativitas mereka hilang
tidak lagi seperti musim semi.

Hari demi hari,
waktu aku melihat di cermin,
aku penasaran bagaimana
kamu sekarang, cintaku.
tangannya masih,
kehangatanmu pergi

suaramu diam,
cintamu jauh
dan aku menemukan diriku menangis
di wajahku di kaca.


when I look in the mirror,
I think I see you
standing behind me.
I feel your arms around my waist,
as they had
for so many mornings
while I brushed my teeth;
for so many nights
while I washed my face;
for so many feelings
as I loved your heart.

Things are different now
when I look in the mirror,
your hands reach out
and feel so cold.
Their warmth is gone
no longer like summer;
their fire dimming,
no longer the colors of fall;
their creativity is lost
no longer flourishing in spring.

Day after day,
When I look in the mirror,
I wonder how
you’ve been, my love.
Your hands are still

Your warmth is gone
Your voice is silent
Your love is quiet
and I find myself in tears
Before the face in the glass.

