Great expectations: Evolving consumer expectations and us

Accenture The Dock
Accenture The Dock


Our ever-rising expectations have created a world of products and services that would have unimaginable even a few years ago.

Consumers are increasingly accustomed to instant gratification. They are demanding a range of delivery options and prices to suit their needs, and greater control over their delivery experience.

Is now the best ever time to be a consumer? Do our rising expectations reflect our innate desires as humans or are we spiraling out of control?

This podcast features three guests. April Durrett is a senior designer in The Dock and has been working with the recent Fjord Trends 2019, which have a lot to say about how we are evolving as consumers. Dr Mairead Brady from Trinity College Dublin focuses on marketing and technology adoption and utilization. And John Moriarty is a design director in The Dock who has been doing a lot of work in the area of last mile delivery, which is right at the coalface of spiraling consumer expectations and demands.

DockPod is presented by Laurence Mackin and Sinead O’Shea. It is produced by Sinead O’Shea and Ger Hutchinson is the sound engineer.

