A software engineer’s skill set [Where do we go from here?]

Alice Rosa
Published in
3 min readFeb 13, 2019

Today, a new paradigm is emerging in the way we envision and utilize a skill set. Remember the industrial revolution? You probably don’t, you weren’t there and, in any case, we’re so over that (Industry 4.0 much?). As roles become more and more dynamic, people don’t see the need to specialize in just one field anymore, and everything relies on adapting yourself to change as organizations continuously reinvent themselves.

Stability in your career now means being open-minded, having a versatile approach and keeping an open eye on the whole industry perspectives.

Let’s take a software engineer, for example. What are the skills areas you need to be knowledgeable in to stay ahead of the game? Excellent technical skills, yes, but you also need to strengthen your strategic, tactical and communication skills if you want to choose more challenges for your growth.

Introducing Skill Maps

To bring some clarity in this new paradigm, our Digital Workplace Competence Center created a series of skill maps as a learning instrument that can guide you in identifying different skill areas where you just might make a difference.

Software Engineer Skill Map (courtesy of Accesa’s Digital Workplace Competence Center)

Whether you’re interested in expanding your breadth of knowledge, understanding how to look at the bigger picture of your business/industry, or you want to become expert in your niche and increase your level of maturity, it’s always good to visualize what areas of improvement can be tackled and what skills are necessary for you to grow.

# Software Architecture area: deepen your technical knowledge

How’s your logical & rational thought? What about your effective decision making? Software Architecture provides the means for you to expand your technical knowledge. You can choose complex challenges where deep analytical skills and risk management are more than relevant.

# Consultancy challenge: want to get closer to the business?

Consultancy implies understanding customers’ needs and translating them in IT terms and vice-versa. This requires a unique combination of technical knowledge & business acumen as well as high levels of flexibility, persuasion and self-confidence.

# Leadership skills: mentor & inspire people

Mentoring others to grow professionally and personally is an exciting challenge if you feel you can make a positive change in people’s careers. It’s not a job, it’s a mission. It might not be clear in your software engineer beginnings, but as you work alongside your colleagues in an empowering community, you might sense that leadership has meaning for you and you can start building your skills.

# Project Management: are you highly methodical?

If you have an eye for negotiation, planning and risk management, we encourage you to work on skills related to the project management field: your technical background will help you understand the team’s challenges and make all communication more fluent.

A final thought

The culture of change and adaptability in our days is a nurturing environment for building skills because it makes you challenge your status quo with more clarity and intention. For a software engineer, mastering skills (such as those presented in the map shown above) and being open to continuous learning is a successful recipe for staying ahead of the game; industry 4.0 type of game.

Take it upon yourself to learn and grow as a professional. In our community, this is the best wish we could possibly have for our colleagues.



Alice Rosa
Writer for

SharePoint and Office365 Consultant | Team Lead @ Accesa. Helping people improve themselves & finding solutions to difficult problems is what motivates me.