5 Critical Resources For Disabled Job Seekers

Chris Lall, CPACC
Access Bridge
Published in
4 min readOct 13, 2020

Resources for Disabled job seekers and inclusive employers.

[ID: A female-presenting person in a brightly lit room smiling and sitting in front of an Apple laptop] Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

It can be a scary thing to disclose that you need disability accommodations to a potential employer. In tech — a field that rewards speed and agility, should you disclose something that they might see as a risk? Absolutely! However, make sure you’re opening up to the right people and that you are doing so in a safe space. There is good news — organizations are working to bridge the hiring gap for people with disabilities who want to work in tech. They work directly with companies that are actively practicing empathy with truly inclusive hiring.

I asked the team at Inclusively about navigating the disclosure of a person’s disability in the application process. Inclusively reframes the idea of accommodations being something negative to what they call “success enablers” — which is brilliant because it’s exactly what they are. When you apply for a position through them your “success enablers” are included in your resume upfront. Your resume is presented to companies who are open to hiring people with your skills. Most importantly — these companies are committed to making accommodations for you so that you can be successful. Here is Inclusively’s approach to disclosing your disability to an employer in their network:

“We include the interview accommodations that a candidate needs on the resume itself, and then disclose further workplace accommodations after an offer is made.

Inclusively believes that when you’re working with the right employer who values inclusion, you should never be uncomfortable disclosing any accommodation you may need for an interview or after accepting a job offer. We have found that the earlier you share needed accommodations, the better, so you are set up for success on your first day.

It is up to everyone’s own comfort level on disclosing a specific disability. However, it is good for the community as a whole to see the successes that people with disabilities have across all roles.” — Inclusively.com Team

Another person fighting for our representation and voice in the design process is Liz Jackson, founder of The Disabled List which is a disability-led self-advocacy organization. They partner with creative disabled people with top design studios for 3-month fellowships through their WITH fellowship.

The internet seems to think disabled means revoked access, not working, down and broken. But, to us being Disabled means so much more. — The Disabled List website

RespectAbility is a non-profit organization that also understands how hard it can be trying to find a job when you have a disability. Their site has a plethora of resources, toolkits for job-seekers with disabilities, and helpful websites and links. It’s also a great place for employers and companies looking to hire more inclusively to learn about accommodations and best practices. If you’re in need of a fellowship this is also another great place to find one through their National Leadership Program.

AbilityLinks is a job search platform where you can search their continuously updated job listings by job keywords, location, and accommodation needs. Think of it like Indeed for people with disabilities.

Learn to Become is a site focused on finding the right type of job for your particular disability, navigating accommodations, disclosing your disability, and much more. The site is simple and easy to understand. It’s great for students, Disabled people who are in a career transition, and people who have recently acquired their disability. The site has a really helpful tool that you can tab through offering Career Ideas (including degree requirements, median annual wages, and job growth data).

Whether you’re a Disabled student, currently employed, or looking for your next opportunity, please know that you are not alone. There are so many of us who live with invisible and visible disabilities who work in tech and are here to help you find your way. You are not invisible.

Links and Resources from this article:

InclusivelyOur goal with Inclusively is to empower candidates with disabilities with the tools to search for jobs with employers and companies where their accommodation needs can be met — and where their talents thrive.

The Disabled ListWe engage in Disability as a creative practice. We create space in creative spaces that allow Disabled people to do Disabled things.

RespectAbilityRespectability fights stigmas and advances opportunities so people with disabilities can fully participate in all aspects of the community.

AbilityLinksAbilityLinks connects a dynamic talent pool of applicants with disabilities to a network of employers that value disability inclusion.

Learn to Become — At Learn How To Become, our mission is to help individuals find the best career, from the new graduate trying to land their first job to the seasoned professional climbing the company ladder.

If you haven’t read this article’s sister post The Real Unicorns: Disabled Designers you should check it out, it’s a good 4-minute read that discusses the benefits of inclusive hiring for both teams and business.



Chris Lall, CPACC
Access Bridge

Working to shift UX design conversations to center people with disabilities. In a state of continuous learning. Sharing what I learn through Access Bridge.