Access Protocol February 15th launch details

Access Protocol
Access Protocol
Published in
3 min readFeb 13, 2023


We’re excited to launch Access Protocol on Wednesday, February 15th. Be sure to read this document in it’s entirety, including the FAQ below covering where to access the application, how to claim content rewards, and details around our airdrop programs.

As a thank you to those who have supported Access ahead of launch, you’ll find an additional gift on the day of launch!

If you still have additional questions after reading this document, be sure to join our Twitter Spaces on Tuesday, February 14th, at 10am ET. We’ll take this time to go over details shared below.

Additionally, we’ll answer some questions from the community. Users with questions from our Discord will receive priority.

Initial Protocol Information

Access Protocol will be launching on Solana. In order to ensure a sustainable launch, the initial protocol inflation rate will be set to 2%. This parameter will be slowly scaled to 5% over the coming months. Overall, this parameter is to be determined by the Access Protocol community. If you have feedback or thoughts, please contribute them within our discord community.

Contract addresses

Deployment contract: 6HW8dXjtiTGkD4jzXs7igdFmZExPpmwUrRN5195xGup

ACS token contract: 5MAYDfq5yxtudAhtfyuMBuHZjgAbaS9tbEyEQYAhDS5y

Make sure that the ACS token you are transferring and interacting with is with the correct ACS token contract. We do not recommend interacting with third-party applications.

Where can I find the Access Application

The Access Application will be live on launch day.

Visit to discover our initial launch partners. Our launch partners are in various stages of integrations, so be sure to read all details related to their services before staking within a given pool.

Where can I claim my ACS rewards

24 hours after you’ve locked your ACS, you can claim your subscription bonus at These rewards can be used to further support your existing creators, or to discover new creators on our platform.

Where can I buy / sell ACS

Details on exchange support for ACS will be shared on the day of launch. For the most up to date information, please turn on Twitter notifications and join our Discord channel. If your preferred exchange does not support ACS on launch day, send them a note requesting support!

Where do I see If I received an Airdrop

You will be able to see your ACS on the day of launch, specifically, a few hours before the protocol goes live.

To view your locked Airdrop, visit

I opted in to an airdrop but did not receive tokens

There are several reasons / factors as to why an individual who opted into the airdrop but did not receive tokens. These reasons include but are not limited to:

1. Suspicion of bot activity / mal-intent

2. Incorrect wallet information provided

3. Open Airdrop — this airdrop was selected randomly

4. CoinGecko Users — If you redeemed ACS Airdrop voucher(s) via CoinGecko’s Candy Rewards Store but did not receive an airdrop, reasons #1 and #2 may apply. Additionally, if you did not submit your wallet details through the form by January 31, 2023, you will be excluded from the airdrop, per communications on our channels and via CoinGecko.

For more information regarding the airdrop via CoinGecko, please visit their FAQ page.

What is next for Access Protocol

Today marks the first day of a long path towards creating a one-stop shop for creators to establish relationships and conduct multi-media activities with their audience at mass scale. This starts with the utility driven by the ACS token, but there is much more to come!

Keep an eye out in the coming weeks for more details on things such as:

· Deployment of our independent creator platform, Access > Scribe

· Details on multi-chain rollouts on Starknet and Polygon

· Additional publication and creator features for the Access Application

How can I integrate Access Protocol into my business?

Fill out this form and our team will get in touch with you to share more details on how to integrate.

