ACS Token Economics

Access Protocol
Access Protocol
Published in
2 min readOct 13, 2022

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Access Foundation is excited to release the token economics for Access Protocol. To get a better understanding of the protocol functionality, please refer to our whitepaper which can be viewed here.

Token Distribution Categories

ACS tokens will be distributed across six different categories with differing functions and purposes.

The categories are as follows:

Total ACS supply growth

The initial annual inflation rate of ACS starts at 5% of the total supply, this rate is expected to slightly decrease over time. Community governance will be developed to ultimately govern the ACS inflation rate parameter.

A 2% staking fee is in place to be collected by the protocol and then burned on a quarterly basis. Community governance will be developed to govern the ACS inflation rate parameter.

Below is the estimated token distribution after 7 years. By the end of year 5, an estimated ~142 billion ACS tokens will be in circulation.

The Graphic below demonstrates maximum possible circulating supply, but does not include 2% staking burn mechanism which counteracts inflation.

  • There will be a total of 2 billion ACS tokens distributed at launch to the community via various airdrops.
  • 58% of the token supply will be used to incentivize creators and grow the ecosystem.
  • 15% of the token supply will be used to fund community initiatives. The use of funds will be determined by community governance.
  • Creator and publication incentives are subject to multi-year vesting periods with 18 month cliffs.
  • Unvested Investor / creator tokens cannot be staked

50% of the new ACS goes to the content creators and 50% to the users

Token holders are incentivized to maximize the utility of their tokens utility by staking in any given creator pool.

  • Receiving new ACS requires active staking in the ecosystem.
  • Token rewards are claimable daily.

